Thursday, October 28, 2010

I must be doing great!

Around here they say that if you are not busy that you must not be doing you job. Following that logic I must be doing a super duper job. Regional sales meeting earlier this week went well, as did my Monday training and my Friday preparation. There is honestly so much going on here that time simply flies buy as if it didn't exist at all.

To elaborate, regional sales meetings went wonderfully, more specifically due to my presentation! Well, I suppose everyone else's presentations went well as well but I seem to be biased! I got great feedback and the whole thing seems to be really well received, so good news all around. I also thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with our Territory managers, whom I only see from time to time and catching up with them! We had a very productive few chats as I now have all of our female TMs out here on Twitter! So I can keep up with all the crazy amazing things they get up to on a daily basis and in return we can all stay connected in 140 characters or less!

Say what you want about social media but it really does have some incredible potential in regards to business, used correctly it can work wonders. So I am working with my lovely ladies to develop their tweeting skills!

We are also undergoing some staffing changes here in Calgary, so I am sad to see a few people go as everyone I work with is awesome - though I am excited for their future plans and look forward to meeting new people who will be joining our team. In the meantime though there is a lot of scrambling being done to try and fill holes. Hence my lack of blogging. I know, less excuses, more typing. I'm working on it.

Looking forward to a very special edition of fashion Friday tomorrow, as it is our Halloween edition and I will be sure to take some pics of anyone in costume! I myself have some very colourful plans!

Stayed tuned for the excitement that will be tomorrow's outfits....In great (and perhaps spooky) shoes! Today, just my favorite pair of oxfords paired with a pinstripe pant!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One wrung at a time

HELLO there!

Exciting news! I was approached by my boss this morning asking if I would like to do a 20 minute presentation at our regional sales meeting next week on what I am learning through all my recent experiences and training. YES INDEED, I would. I am so excited to do my first presentation for my coworkers that I almost jumped for joy.

I have always loved presentations, having done dozens through school and case competitions and have always excelled at public speaking. People don't scare me. Papers (or rather having to research for them) scare me. So given the choice I would prefer to present rather than produce a report. So I will be doing my presentation on a few key sales items I have learned from my 95% share marketing experience and the course I am current doing PRECISE selling. Don't worry, I will give credit where credit is due - my second slide specifically details whose ideas I am playing off of and where they were originally published/presented.

I don't plan to simply regurgitate. I plan to interpret, apply and explain these key ideas for people who may never have come across anything like it otherwise. The short presentation will also give me an opportunity to introduce myself in a grandiose way to my co-workers here in the west. I know this will not be the last presentation I do in my career, so its best to get everyone acquainted with my style right off the bat.

I must say though as I started to work on this presentation that PowerPoint 2003 is seriously slowing me down. I am used to working with 2007, having used it all through school on personal computers but corporate technology for some reason is slightly more archaic. So I may have to bring in my personal computer tomorrow to get this done more effectively.

I feel as thought this presentation is another wrung to be climbed on my corporate ladder, one that I am all to ready to get at...In great shoes. (Today in a previously photographed pair of heeled leather boots.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shut up!

So today I have been continuing the Precise sales training that is going to make me rich! It is a lot of common sense lessons that salespeople tend to ignore based on existing standards or opinions. For instance, everyone thinks a sales presentation is all about the pitch. The sales person talking, talking, talking about benefits, cost savings, blah, blah, blah. In truth what should be happening is LISTENING. If a salesperson listened more than they would not only know what the customer wants or needs but also how the customer feels, their interests and concerns. Doesn't that make more sense? Of course it does and it is elementary knowledge. Listening skills was a category on your primary school report card for Christ sakes. Apparently a lot of people fail. Now I will admit I think I am one of them. I tend to dominate conversations by nature, expressing my thoughts, opinions and feelings whenever possible. Though now as I mature in this lifestyle (aka no longer a student who has nothing to lose) I realize the value of my silence. When I let other people talk, I gain so much more than when I do. I learn nothing about anything when I speak, only when I listen.

People take better to listening than talking anyway. Listening never gives off the impression of arrogance, where talking too much often does. (The jury is still out on whether blogging constitutes as talking too much)

The program highlights the fact that in conversation instead of telling people our life story and making statements that we are better to pose questions in order to further our relationship with the person and learn more about them. When people feel that you are genuinely interested in their opinions, they will share more of themselves. This, of course, extends way beyond business interaction. In our daily lives we could all be better listeners. We could gain so much from others that we are currently missing out on for love of our own voices.

Time to shut up and just listen...In great shoes.

Today, in the second pair of lady loafers I acquired in Chicago. Black & buckled by BCBGenereation.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A sad day

Yesterday was an awesome day. I felt caught back up, got a chiropractic adjustment and was doing well all-around. That is until I lost my day planner. I must have left it at the bank while I was using the ATM because I took it out and put it on the counter and I don't remember ever picking it back up. This makes me really uptight because I live out of that day planner. There is nothing of true VALUE to anyone in it. No money, credit cards or Sin numbers. Just all my daily goings on, to-dos, receipts and frequent flyer numbers. SO in essence it is useless to everyone else but me. To me it is the essence of organization and one of my favorite possessions.

Thankfully, the bank has called and said they found a notebook of mine, so I am hoping everything is intact and present. I even have to leave early to retrieve it as the bank does not open past 4:30, the exact time I officially finish work. So I feel really silly having to do all this because I am forgetful.

At work today, on a more productive note, I have started an online sales training program called PRECISE selling taught by a gentleman I met at the HIDA show last week. His name is Brian Sullivan and we got introduced last week and got along splendidly! So much so that he offered his program to me at no cost - which is wonderful because I am not the wealthiest of people at this time (considering my recent Macy's/Nordstrom's splurge). So I have begun working through his module-d program in hopes of becoming the best salesperson ever! I think I can do it! It will take me about 20 days to get through but should be valuable when all is said and done. I certainly look forward to what Brian has to offer through this thing, as his reputation in the industry precedes him.

20 days and counting until I take over the sales world (theoretically)...In great shoes. Today, a pair of my new lady loafers by Anne Klein.

Monday, October 18, 2010

There's no place like HIDA

Home again from my 10 day adventure in the US. First to Vegas for some much needed family time and glamour! Had an absolute blast unwinding in the casinos, clubs and many fine restaurants at our disposal. WE soaked up the sun by the pool, drank champagne in the VIP and really took advantage of the time we had so I was thoroughly satisfied. I was good in the shopping department as I only bought 2 dresses and one pair of shoes.

In Chicago, however for HIDA, I was not so restrained. I went to both Macy's and Nordstrom RACK as well as old navy and picked up a new Calvin Klein purse, two pairs of lady loafers, a pair of wedges, 2 pairs of skinny jeans, 4 cardigans and two shirts. Obama mine as well name me as the new American stimulus package as I am pretty sure I have supported the American economy more than his silly packages. Outside of my shopping extravaganza I attended the Health Industry Distributor Association's annual trade show and conference. It was three jam pack days of meetings, products and people. I had the pleasure of taking part in what is called the EBE - the executive business exchange this year, which is essentially speed dating for the most important individuals in organizations so a lot gets done in short periods of time. That was a great experience as I got more acquainted with more of the who's who in the business as well as got to hear an overview of what is next for Stevens (in the eyes of our manufacturers) in the year to come.

I also spent a great deal of time with PWH (professional women in health care), the organization who sponsored my trip! What an amazing bunch of ladies! They all are so knowledgeable, fierce and amazing that I just adored soaking up everything they had to say. They were extremely supportive of me in my new role here at Stevens and have pledged to do anything and everything required to help me get to the top of my game. It was incredible feeling so appreciated, supported and encouraged. These women really inspired me to go forward in my career at full tilt. They expressed the fact that they see enormous potential in me and that just sent me over the moon. How great is it to be recognized so young? Amazing, that's how.

On top of all that I also attended many social events with the industry VIP including a Willy Wonka themed candy event that was a sight and a half! Candy everywhere! OOmpa-Loompas, chocolate rivers and even a golden ticket! It was a scream. I enjoyed myself more than I can possibly say.

I will continue o talk more about my HIDA adventures as the week progresses. For now I am trying to play catch-up here back at my desk and not doing a very good job. With all these projections of greatness cast upon me, I have big (but still great) shoes to fill in the next few years. So I must get a jump on greatness ASAP.

Stay tuned...In Great Shoes. Today, sporting a new fascinator I picked up online and have made a new office statement. Everyone loves how classy I am making this office, one fascinator at a time.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Viva LV

The last day of work prior to a vacation is always odd. There is always tons to do before you leave and yet in some way you mind is already wandering to where you will be in 24 hours. For me its sun, slots and absolute luxury. With Las Vegas on the mind it seems hard to stay grounded on a cool day at a desk in Calgary.

I took care of anything time sensitive right away and am REALLY looking forward to leaving the country at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Packing last night, however proved interesting. I am going straight from a 4 day personal vacation to a 5 day conference with equals 9 days of varying outfits. I need to be fabulous in Vegas in colour, sparkle and the highest of heels where Chicago calls for a more business casual appeal. There doesn't seem to be a suitcase big enough to pack everything I want to. The shoe choices alone take up a full bag. I am seriously fretting over what needs to go and want doesn't. Need being a totally subjective term, of course. So with such a gigantic dilemma occurring in my head, work seems to be the only thing anchoring me firmly to reality.

I know how lucky I am to have the opportunity to travel and I assure you I am eternally grateful. I would rather spend Thanksgiving in Vegas with my family than around a table eating turkey ANY DAY. That's just us though, my family, we never feel the need to conform to traditions we didn't like. So we started making our own. I adore it.

So for the next 10 days I will be seemingly MIA, but rest assured I am having the time of my life. I'll try to post, but as usual I make no promises. Time simply doesn't grow on trees. Just know I am wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving and thank I am thankful everyday that someone still reads this!

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my soles...In great shoes.

I appologize for the lack of photo today but my camera is not co-operating. I promise there will be all new shoes to see after I return from my trips!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sassy in Saskatchewan

So all of last week I was in Saskatchewan for work. I was co-travelling to NORTHERN Sask. with one of our reps as well as participating in a veterinary trade show. I just today sat back down at my desk for the first time in over a week. It has been very much a fast paced week, and it's only the beginning.

First off, I knew going there that Saskatchewan was not going to be the most glamorous of places, but little did I know that we would be travelling to some parts of northern Sask. where jeans and an over sized hoodie is fashion. Needless to say, I was overdressed, happily so. I also chose the wrong place to debut my brand new suede black leather platforms (as seen in a previous post detailing my lust for them). They were a hit in Saskatoon though, which was right in the middle of it's fashion week by the way! I was still overdressed. I am simply too sassy for Saskatchewan and that's a fact.

Nonetheless I had a great opportunity to meet more of my coworkers, spend some quality time with them and interact with a few of our vet customers, whom I am not very familiar with, so it was a huge success in my book! During the trade show I modelled a few of our new and exciting Heine products, which people took to quite well. It's astounding how many vendors do not actually model the wearable products they sell, they prefer to showcase them instead. NOT ME! I jumped right in there and was using all the features, adjusting settings, testing battery life, etc. It was the best decision ever. People were really interested in what I was doing and had tons of questions which I was able to answers having worn the products all day! The best way to get acquainted with a product is to use it, so I was knowledge central.

Got to do a bit of schmoozing after the trade show with a few vendors, competitors and customers which is always fun and where I feel most comfortable. Casual professional conversation is my forte. I find I am learning to read people really well and connect to them quickly, which I know will serve me well in future. My current icebreaker is working wonders! It goes something like this:

Inquirer: So how long have you been with the company?
Me: 22 years with Stevens actually
Inquirer: Pardon me? 2 years did you say?
Me: No, No, 22 years.


Me: My name is Raissa Stevens my great great grandfather started this business over 180 years ago. I was quite literally born into this and haved loved it everyday since.

This clearly gives everyone a good laugh, showcases the longevity of our business and gives everyone a little taste of the tongue-in-cheek type of person I am. I will be using that again for sure!

Now back in Calgary I have returned to a chunk of things that need to be done ASAP. Two of our co-workers will be leaving us at the end of October and thus there is massive readjustment being done. I am trying as best I can to assist but it is no easy feat. Not to mention the fact that I leave to go to Vegas on Thursday and then go straight to Chicago from there for HIDA and thus won't be back in the office again until the 18th.

It's going to be a crazy crazy busy month. I will attempt to blog about it as much as possible, especially HIDA as that will be my first real big conference attendance and I intend to make a splash... In great shoes.