Thursday, October 28, 2010

I must be doing great!

Around here they say that if you are not busy that you must not be doing you job. Following that logic I must be doing a super duper job. Regional sales meeting earlier this week went well, as did my Monday training and my Friday preparation. There is honestly so much going on here that time simply flies buy as if it didn't exist at all.

To elaborate, regional sales meetings went wonderfully, more specifically due to my presentation! Well, I suppose everyone else's presentations went well as well but I seem to be biased! I got great feedback and the whole thing seems to be really well received, so good news all around. I also thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with our Territory managers, whom I only see from time to time and catching up with them! We had a very productive few chats as I now have all of our female TMs out here on Twitter! So I can keep up with all the crazy amazing things they get up to on a daily basis and in return we can all stay connected in 140 characters or less!

Say what you want about social media but it really does have some incredible potential in regards to business, used correctly it can work wonders. So I am working with my lovely ladies to develop their tweeting skills!

We are also undergoing some staffing changes here in Calgary, so I am sad to see a few people go as everyone I work with is awesome - though I am excited for their future plans and look forward to meeting new people who will be joining our team. In the meantime though there is a lot of scrambling being done to try and fill holes. Hence my lack of blogging. I know, less excuses, more typing. I'm working on it.

Looking forward to a very special edition of fashion Friday tomorrow, as it is our Halloween edition and I will be sure to take some pics of anyone in costume! I myself have some very colourful plans!

Stayed tuned for the excitement that will be tomorrow's outfits....In great (and perhaps spooky) shoes! Today, just my favorite pair of oxfords paired with a pinstripe pant!