Home again from my 10 day adventure in the US. First to Vegas for some much needed family time and glamour! Had an absolute blast unwinding in the casinos, clubs and many fine restaurants at our disposal. WE soaked up the sun by the pool, drank champagne in the VIP and really took advantage of the time we had so I was thoroughly satisfied. I was good in the shopping department as I only bought 2 dresses and one pair of shoes.
In Chicago, however for HIDA, I was not so restrained. I went to both Macy's and Nordstrom RACK as well as old navy and picked up a new Calvin Klein purse, two pairs of lady loafers, a pair of wedges, 2 pairs of skinny jeans, 4 cardigans and two shirts. Obama mine as well name me as the new American stimulus package as I am pretty sure I have supported the American economy more than his silly packages. Outside of my shopping extravaganza I attended the Health Industry Distributor Association's annual trade show and conference. It was three jam pack days of meetings, products and people. I had the pleasure of taking part in what is called the EBE - the executive business exchange this year, which is essentially speed dating for the most important individuals in organizations so a lot gets done in short periods of time. That was a great experience as I got more acquainted with more of the who's who in the business as well as got to hear an overview of what is next for Stevens (in the eyes of our manufacturers) in the year to come.
I also spent a great deal of time with PWH (professional women in health care), the organization who sponsored my trip! What an amazing bunch of ladies! They all are so knowledgeable, fierce and amazing that I just adored soaking up everything they had to say. They were extremely supportive of me in my new role here at Stevens and have pledged to do anything and everything required to help me get to the top of my game. It was incredible feeling so appreciated, supported and encouraged. These women really inspired me to go forward in my career at full tilt. They expressed the fact that they see enormous potential in me and that just sent me over the moon. How great is it to be recognized so young? Amazing, that's how.
On top of all that I also attended many social events with the industry VIP including a Willy Wonka themed candy event that was a sight and a half! Candy everywhere! OOmpa-Loompas, chocolate rivers and even a golden ticket! It was a scream. I enjoyed myself more than I can possibly say.
I will continue o talk more about my HIDA adventures as the week progresses. For now I am trying to play catch-up here back at my desk and not doing a very good job. With all these projections of greatness cast upon me, I have big (but still great) shoes to fill in the next few years. So I must get a jump on greatness ASAP.
Stay tuned...In Great Shoes. Today, sporting a new fascinator I picked up online and have made a new office statement. Everyone loves how classy I am making this office, one fascinator at a time.