Back at work after my very productive yet snowy visit to Vancouver and tired from this weekend's mandatory inventory I can rejoice in the fact that at the very least it is sunny here in Calgary.
All else is a blur honestly as I scramble to catch up on things I missed whilst I was gone as well as start new project I was assigned while away. No shortage of things to do here st work, not to mention trying to coordinate Christmas travel plans, Christmas gifts, the company Christmas party and everything in between....and my boyfriend says his life was hard babysitting Luna last week when I was away. Comparatively, he had it easy. The best part about his job (working as a bank teller) is that after the bank closes and the wickets balance he has nothing else to worry about. He can go home with absolutely nothing to think about or plan for in the days to come. Lucky guy, huh? (Well of course, he has me!) ;)
I know that sort of work is the exception to the rule. Most of us take our work home with us (if only in our heads) and stress about it or plan for it when we really should be relaxing, recovering or taking care of our personal errands and relationships. I find myself trying to separate work and life by writing massive TO-DO lists on my desk so that I don't forget anything. At least that way I can so what I can during the day and recharge at night. The list allows me to pick up where I left off and continue without too much lag time.
Even blogging makes the To-Do list, thank god, as this post has taken me two days to sort out.
Moving into December I am really aiming to strike everything of my monthly To-Dos so that I can start 2011 of truly fresh.
So here's to doing everything in my power to complete 2010's To-Dos...In great shoes.
A work-daily chronicling of my journey to the top of the corporate ladder (where ever that may take me) ... in great shoes.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Freezing Friday
Freezing Friday! Today has been the first day of the week that it hasn't snowed;. We have about 3ft piled up here now and are holding at about -15 degrees Celsius. So JUST LOVELY, to sum it up.
I am more than happy to be heading off to Vancouver next week for work as it is not even cold enough there to have snow. No snow at all, just lots of rain. I will be out there Monday through Thursday working with our territory managers out there as well as just getting a feel for our Vancouver operations - having never seen them. So I am quite excited, Calgary won't miss me I'm sure.
Luna, however, I'm sure will miss me as she will not be able to come to the office during the day with out me here. In fact, because Chris (the boyfriend) works all day she will have to stay home alone during the day. I am trying to convince him to spring for a few days of doggy day care, so hopefully he concedes as I am sure she will be craving the attention after a day or so.
So today being dress down day I am wearing nothing truly remarkable, though yesterday, whilst I was too busy to blog I had on a fantastic outfit complete with a pink tie and pink sparkled slingbacks. It was a happy day in office fashion. It was a tad dressy for a simple Thursday, I admit, but I felt great in it and that's all that matters.
Other than that I only have a small comment about a fashion faux-pas that is reoccurring here in the Calgary branch. One of our new employees, a younger girl, sports leggings EVERY DAY. Now, I am the first to love black leggings worn under a dress or for lounging around the house but she continually wears them with short sweaters. Please Stop! Wear them all you want with long sweaters or short dresses or most anything that cover your bum but PLEASE do not substitute leggings (no matter the thickness) for pants. They are not pants. That said, leggings are unforgiving in terms of leaving some things to the imagination. Keep that in mind. She is a thin girl and thus should be very proud of her shape - though that does not mean I want to see it. I will end my rant here in hopes of already having made my case. Verdict: Buy pants.
Case dismissed...In great shoes.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Winter Woes.
A week after having posted about trying to bring back some fashionable footwear to my life, Calgary quite literally dumped a cold dose of reality on me. More specifically, two feet of snow.

I not only spent 20 minutes digging out my poor Nissan Versa to get it ready to go to work but also fought with Luna for almost the same amount of time to get her to go outside period. Puppy's first snowfall was not a happy occasion. She is too cold to even dream of going outside so I feel like a Disney villain forcing her out in hopes she will understand that if she just went pee quickly I would let her back in. No luck yet, she would rather go on her training pads inside where it is warm.
Back to me though, I am seriously frustrated with weather like this. Cute shoes now have to be smuggled in my purse to be worn indoors whilst I trek through the snow in my Sorels. The ugliest yet warmest boots I have ever purchased. That's what I hate about living in colder Canadian climates - fashion goes out the window. I don't care what anyone says its hard to be hot when you are just trying to stay warm. It's in times like these that fashion magazine, sites and blogs really frustrate me because they put cute holiday dresses, frilly coats and heeled boots all over the place as appropriate winter wear. HA! Maybe if you live in a place where -5 is considered REALLY COLD. In places like Calgary, where real cold lives, these things simply wouldn't do. I am begging one fashion magazine to come up with SOMETHING that can be worn in REAL winter. Not this 'wearing leggings under a summer dress paired with a cardigan' is winter worthy. Even Canadian fashion magazines haven't caught on to the fact that some readers want to actually purchase the clothes they see in magazines, not simply stare at them for the artistic value. So why won't they print things that can actually survive a typical winter?
It's actually quite depressing, having lovely things in your closet to wear but never putting them on simply because doing so could cause frost bite. Even inside the office is too cold now to wear anything but pants. I actually keep a fleece blanket over my legs now even when wearing pants to be at a comfortable temperature. Maybe I just need to invest in more pants.
So stay tuned as I try to weather the storm... In great (for winter) shoes.
Pictured, for comparison's sake are the shoes I was wearing yesterday and then the pair I had to wear in today. This puts a visual to my depression.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Top Model
Today (in about an hour from now) is Luna's first modelling gig.
I say that because she will be demo-ing one of our veterinary products to an inquisitive Calgary vet. She is currently catching up on her beauty sleep to prepare.
On a similar vane note, I have finally stepped back into heels after avoiding it for over a week for fear of puppy knocking me off them. I figured I would just suck it up and see how it goes. So far, so good. No major spills as yet. Granted, I am only wearing about a 3.5 inch heel so there really wouldn't be that far to fall, but I need to start small. I don't trust myself yet in my preferred heel height (5 inches plus) with Luna becoming more excitable by the day. She has these random bursts of energy that to be honest just tire me out. So high high heels + crazy puppy = not the best idea.
I miss those heels though. I can hear them call my name from my closet as they resent my new puppy in unison. They want me back. Soon enough heels, soon enough. I am working up to it as we speak.
This really shouldn't be that hard. There must be an appropriate way to mix fido and fashion. Dog hair on everything really isn't cute though - as inevitable as it is. I just need to invest in a lot of those sticky rollers and hide them in my purse, desk and car. Then I may succeed!
As long as I don't start smelling like puppy I think I will be ok!
Wish me luck on trying to achieve balance between k9 & great shoes!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Parrot?
UPDATE: My supervisor has finally noticed that I have a dog in the office. He said he was informed by a third I think someone mentioned it rather than he actually noticing. Either way, he seemed a tad cold to the idea of a pet in my office, as expected, detailing that he doesn't want a precedent set that people can "bring their Parrots to work...and the like". His underlying point of not wanting it to be a zoo in here makes perfect sense. This is why I would never bring her in if she was rambunctious or loud or anything. However the parrot thing really was exaggerating in my opinion.
I will be sure not to bring in any birds. Or anything with wings. For now though Luna stays!
WE have almost made it though a week here in the office with her so I am pretty sure she is used to it, though only time will tell.
Still dealing with the phone lines here in Calgary as the two new ladies are being trained. They seem sweet and excited, so I am looking forward to working with them in future. I am more looking forward to getting back to my day to day stuff this headset (that I use for customer service) really impedes my fancy headbands/headbows/fascinators and really all extravagant head wear - which is of course upsetting.
Today on the toes my black suede platforms! They really just go with everything!
I love that I am again today....In great shoes!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Four is better than two
Today is a FIRST here in the office as it is the first day that instead of there being two (well dressed) feet under my desk there is also four paws. My puppy Luna came in to work with me today and has been an absolute angel! We just got her on Thursday of last week and she had us running around all weekend with her, trying to quickly adjust to her schedule, needs, etc.
It is all completely worth it though as she is so adorable and loving it's insane. I have received approval from my manager to bring her into work for the first few months just to get her properly trained and we will see how it goes from there and I really think this set up is going to work. She is very timid at work, for now but mostly just sleeps and chews her toys. I know in time she will get more curious but by then everyone at the office will be used to her and love her just as much as I do. I am lucky to work in such a small branch full of such wonderful people otherwise this wouldn't be possible - so I am super grateful! I would hate to leave a puppy at home all day alone and so I am really happy it works out.
I tried to get approval from the branch head honcho, but because he is never in the office, or when he is too busy to speak to me, I made a judgement call without his OK. So when he comes in tomorrow I am sure he will be in for a surprise. He better be OK with it though as I am not returning her. Not for anything.
Other than that, as we are still short staffed I have been answering phone for customer service all day! Putting out fires, solving problems, recommending things, etc, etc. so it has been a full day with almost no time to spare. Thank God it slows down close to the end of the day so I have time to blog!
I have posted more pics to my twitter account @ingreatshoes of Luna (the new olde english bulldogge pup) so feel free to check that out!
Now it's time to train her not to eat my GREAT shoes. :)
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