I not only spent 20 minutes digging out my poor Nissan Versa to get it ready to go to work but also fought with Luna for almost the same amount of time to get her to go outside period. Puppy's first snowfall was not a happy occasion. She is too cold to even dream of going outside so I feel like a Disney villain forcing her out in hopes she will understand that if she just went pee quickly I would let her back in. No luck yet, she would rather go on her training pads inside where it is warm.
Back to me though, I am seriously frustrated with weather like this. Cute shoes now have to be smuggled in my purse to be worn indoors whilst I trek through the snow in my Sorels. The ugliest yet warmest boots I have ever purchased. That's what I hate about living in colder Canadian climates - fashion goes out the window. I don't care what anyone says its hard to be hot when you are just trying to stay warm. It's in times like these that fashion magazine, sites and blogs really frustrate me because they put cute holiday dresses, frilly coats and heeled boots all over the place as appropriate winter wear. HA! Maybe if you live in a place where -5 is considered REALLY COLD. In places like Calgary, where real cold lives, these things simply wouldn't do. I am begging one fashion magazine to come up with SOMETHING that can be worn in REAL winter. Not this 'wearing leggings under a summer dress paired with a cardigan' is winter worthy. Even Canadian fashion magazines haven't caught on to the fact that some readers want to actually purchase the clothes they see in magazines, not simply stare at them for the artistic value. So why won't they print things that can actually survive a typical winter?
It's actually quite depressing, having lovely things in your closet to wear but never putting them on simply because doing so could cause frost bite. Even inside the office is too cold now to wear anything but pants. I actually keep a fleece blanket over my legs now even when wearing pants to be at a comfortable temperature. Maybe I just need to invest in more pants.
So stay tuned as I try to weather the storm... In great (for winter) shoes.
Pictured, for comparison's sake are the shoes I was wearing yesterday and then the pair I had to wear in today. This puts a visual to my depression.