Freezing Friday! Today has been the first day of the week that it hasn't snowed;. We have about 3ft piled up here now and are holding at about -15 degrees Celsius. So JUST LOVELY, to sum it up.
I am more than happy to be heading off to Vancouver next week for work as it is not even cold enough there to have snow. No snow at all, just lots of rain. I will be out there Monday through Thursday working with our territory managers out there as well as just getting a feel for our Vancouver operations - having never seen them. So I am quite excited, Calgary won't miss me I'm sure.
Luna, however, I'm sure will miss me as she will not be able to come to the office during the day with out me here. In fact, because Chris (the boyfriend) works all day she will have to stay home alone during the day. I am trying to convince him to spring for a few days of doggy day care, so hopefully he concedes as I am sure she will be craving the attention after a day or so.
So today being dress down day I am wearing nothing truly remarkable, though yesterday, whilst I was too busy to blog I had on a fantastic outfit complete with a pink tie and pink sparkled slingbacks. It was a happy day in office fashion. It was a tad dressy for a simple Thursday, I admit, but I felt great in it and that's all that matters.
Other than that I only have a small comment about a fashion faux-pas that is reoccurring here in the Calgary branch. One of our new employees, a younger girl, sports leggings EVERY DAY. Now, I am the first to love black leggings worn under a dress or for lounging around the house but she continually wears them with short sweaters. Please Stop! Wear them all you want with long sweaters or short dresses or most anything that cover your bum but PLEASE do not substitute leggings (no matter the thickness) for pants. They are not pants. That said, leggings are unforgiving in terms of leaving some things to the imagination. Keep that in mind. She is a thin girl and thus should be very proud of her shape - though that does not mean I want to see it. I will end my rant here in hopes of already having made my case. Verdict: Buy pants.
Case dismissed...In great shoes.