Friday was dress down day and I was running around (in silver sandals) meeting vendors who were coming in and then got a project from my supervisor that stole the rest of my day.
Monday I took off as my first vacation day because my boyfriend was down visiting for a while from Ottawa.
So here I am late Tuesday trying to explain why I have fallen behind, whilst trying to get ahead of the game.
Today ( in Aldo black and white brogues) all I have done is work tirelessly on the same project I got from my supervisor on Friday that had to be completed by tomorrow morning. It was a TON of work but I just got it done. I couldn't have done it alone though. A gracious co-worker of mine really stepped up to help me and for that I owe her a great big THANKS. She has been working here since I was 6, as she often reminds me and was the first one to offer her extensive knowledge to me on this project. Without her, this project would have taken me an extra day and a grandiose headache.
It's not like nobody else could have helped - they probably could have- but they would not have done it with the patience and understanding required to help me learn.
Sometime all you need to do to get the help you need is ask - and when you get the help be ETERNALLY grateful. I owe her huge now and I would be happy to repay the favour any day.
So please if you need help, ask. If you are helped, be super thankful.
Owing a favour here and there is not at all a negative thing, perhaps I can help someway nobody else can and then I can pay it all back. It makes corporate life so much more enjoyable when you don't have to go through things alone, as I am quickly learning.
So again, the point of the matter is don't be afraid to ask for help...In Great Shoes.