Monday, June 21, 2010

So perhaps if I am to write a blog about my adventures in great shoes, I should figure out a way to post a picture of the shoes I am currently wearing. Working on that.... today black blowfish flats, the most comfortable flat I have ever worn.

For now I wish to discuss the oddity in my new working life that is Monday mornings. They are death. The weekend was a small, cherished salvation away from the early alarms and rushed lunches I experience Mon-Fri. I was so relaxed sitting outside yesterday (reading Valley of the Dolls) that I almost believed I wouldn't have to go back to work, but here I am again at my cubicle Monday afternoon.

Thankfully I am not the only one. Every one of my coworkers is in a zombie-like state, going through the motions with a cup of coffee attached to their hands or simply complaining that they have a bad case of 'the Mondays'. I am not going to lie, I always thought 'the Mondays' was a stupid expression used to delineate the fact that you were tired and lazy but now I have seen the light. Monday is simply a hard dose of reality. It means your restful weekend lifestyle is quite literally yesterdays news and you must return to productive society.

It's not all woes though, if you don't complain and just try your best to get stuff done, it's lunch time before you know it, followed by days end a few hours later.

So here's to sucking it up and being alive Monday great shoes.

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