Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The new HST

Now by nature I do not discuss politics, however on a day like today, wearing ASOS magenta pink faux-snakeskin heels, perhaps I should say something.

As many know, the new harmonized sales tax (HST) comes into effect tomorrow - July 1st - CANADA day (way to ruin a good summer holiday) - making many things in our lives more expensive, by 8%. As a result of this change our products become more expensive to customers as well.

As you may imagine, customers are not happy. They call our customer service department with wild complaints and accusations about the increase and fail to understand that the employees here have NOTHING to do with it. They are not on the other end of your phone line trying to rip you off, cheat you or steal from you. They are getting charged more in their daily lives too - and it is more work for them to input the new tax and adjust orders to reflect the new tax.

Give them a break, seriously. If you really wish to complain about increased taxes contact Ontario's Premier Dalton McGuinty and inform him of your displeasure. Better yet, don't vote for him in any upcoming election. Really look at each political party's agenda and motives before you cast down a vote. Then you will not be surprised by tax increases, changes, etc.

So enjoy Canada day and feel free to complain as much as you want about the HST - but do so to the people who deserve it, the people responsible - not customer service representatives who are just trying to do their job.

Perhaps Dalton should take a few of these angry calls, then perhaps he would understand the imposition he has made on a regular person's life.
He shouldwalk a mile......In (a voter's) great shoes.