In this technological age corporations and the people who work for them have become wonderfully accustomed and comfortable with electronic mail. With a few clicks you can delegate tasks, ask questions, make comments and even arrange your lunch plans. Its simple, private (in the broad sense of the word) and empowering. Though with e-mail now being used as the prime form of communication between co-workers and contacts I can't help but wonder what is to become of the other forms?
Yes people still call in to place orders, ask questions (not always good ones), and generally just stay in touch, though how long will it last? I can speak from personal experience when I say that I much prefer e-mailing to voice calls. It feels so intrusive to call someone when they are not expecting it - even when they are it still seems odd. They have to speak to you right then and there and are under an unspoken pressure to deal with your concerns and get off the phone. E-mails can be ignored, delayed, put aside, answered immediately or simply disappear. Phone calls are harder to mentally (and literally) file for future reference or when trying to recall the conversation that was had.
Also, telephone headsets can ruin your hair and can cause breakouts on your skin if you wear them too close. though I so appreciate that it is black and therefore goes with most everything,
but moving away from my vanity and back to my point....
The written word has always been more descriptive, clear and common so I fully support using it for as many transactions as possible. Phone calls should be reserved for urgent matters or the technologically inept.
They were fun when we were 14 and chatted for hours with your friends (who you probably spent all day ta school with anyways) but these days phone calls are rarely happily received.
That said, I love hearing the voices of friends, family and acquaintances who I rarely get a chance to see.
On the other hand, I must address my pet peeve with e-mails. I thoroughly despite e-mails that have spelling errors in them. Your laptop, blackberry or whatever device you are using to e-mail surely has SPELL CHECK installed. I am not asking you to be a grammatical genius, simply press the CLEARLY MARKED spell check button before sending me your electronic thoughts - better yet set your device to spell check automatically so you don't even have to go through the tedious button pressing ordeal.
In summary, phone calls are a dying occurrence, where e-mails are surely the new standard. They are a wonderful way to communicate when done(spelt) correctly.
So please feel free to e-mail me....In great shoes.