There I will be doing market research and sales for the plastic surgery/ aesthetic market - a wonderfully glamorous sounding job if I do say so myself. In truth, it will be a ton of work trying to get info, make contacts, learn about products, etc. Leaving me tons of time to settle into (and hopefully appropriately decorate) my very first grown up apartment. Now I haven't lived with my parent's for the last 4 - 5 years however they have always helped me with the rent and the searching & moving in processes. As an added facet to this, I have also never lived in one place for more than a year. So in my mind a grown up apartment is one which you are TOTALLY responsible for and are going to be in long enough to be able to decorate it to your lasting preferences.
So I have begun searching online for potential places to call my new home. I am thinking one bedroom condo with modern fixtures/appliances, close to downtown, in suite washer/dryer as well as the option to get a small dog. Nothing crazy but still somewhat difficult to attain for under my budget of 1500 monthly (all in).
I have come up with about 7 fitting candidates that I plan to investigate further before I venture out to cow town (for the first time EVER) on the 19th of July. I would be lying if I said I wasn't giddy with excitement. My own CONDO downtown sounds like the beginnings of a very exciting life. Doesn't it? Sounds like the classy thing to say to someone when discussing living arrangements. "Why yes my Condo is right downtown, so it's no trouble at all for me to meet you at *insert trendy location here* in 20 mins."
Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself, I still need to visit this city before I start planning my fashionable and fabulous outings - in great shoes.
The home of my feet today: ASOS Ballerina Bow flats in black.