Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bring me the horizon

This morning was another first for me in the working world - my first staff meeting. Bright and early at 8am (which requires me waking up at about 6:40) the entire customer service team congregated to discuss current company events, issues, etc. It was nothing earth-shattering but always a learning experience and really the first time I have seen the entire department in one room together.

For the occasion I chose a classic work wear staple - the pointed toe black heel. This is a stellar photo of my one and only tattoo so I will address it at this point. I got in done in Belgium in August of last year - it reads "Je veux tout" which translates to 'I want it all'. For me it goes with the premise of setting big goals in order to achieve great things. If you want something bad enough - you'll work hard to get it. So for me it's about always wanting more, never settling, because I know I can do great things.
Yes that's a lot for a three word tattoo, but that's what it symbolizes to me.
Anyhow, today may be my last post for a bit as I have a very busy schedule coming up - a very busy and exciting travelling schedule. Thursday and Friday I will be attending a Professional Women in Health care event in Niagara, a great chance to network with many wonderful and powerful women in the industry. Should be great fun! Then Monday I fly out to my upcoming home base - CALGARY! I will be there all week so I will try to post whilst I am there but I can make no guarantees, so stay tuned.
I will be meeting the staff at our branch out there, looking for places to live and just generally getting a sense of this new city I intend to call home in roughly one month.
My significant other (who intends to move out there with me) will also be in attendance for the dwelling search, which will prove an interesting experience, as we have different tastes and concerns when it comes to where to live. So here's hoping we find something that satisfies us both. How hard could it possibly be right....?
He simply needs to understand that closet space is an ESSENTIAL deciding factor. That, and I want somewhere that is pet friendly so I can get a small dog - an English bulldog to be exact. That's something we have agreed upon. After we are settled, we will look into getting an English bulldog puppy who we intend to name Bacon. Sir Francis Bacon, after the man who invented the scientific method, but Bacon for short. I have owned and adored dogs all my life so I do not think owning the dog will be the challenge - it will be getting a landlord to love him as much as I do - so the dog is welcome that will prove difficult.
Anyhow, so that's my exciting life for the next week or so. Women, Travel and Dog concerns. Wish me luck, it will be an eventful week....In great shoes.