When busy is an understatement work must be going well. So I must be doing really well.
This morning I spent time out on the road with another one of our Sales Reps, which was very different from my first experience doing similar co-travel because this time there was a lot of Nos. No, that person is not here, no we don't need anything, no they are not available to speak with you, no they won't be in the rest of this week, etc. etc.
As frustrating as this all sounds I feel it is an essential part of my (and any trainee's) learning process. Some people hear the word no all day long. You can't be successful in your endeavours 100% of the time. No is OK as long as you get a yes eventually. Even if you have to try multiple times to get a yes, that yes will be worth it (in many cases).
Upon my return to my desk, there was already a list formed on my notepad of to-dos. Now I am usually a huge fan of lists, though I must say I like to compile them myself. I dislike anyone else's handing me their list. So now I have a bunch of things to attend to for the rest of this week before I head out to Saskatoon on Monday.
I think this is real life now. Lists, deadlines, unexpected tasks and a heap of expectations. I will look at this positively and tell myself it is because of how CAPABLE I am, others having recognized that capability, now giving me more and more things to accomplish.
Yes, that's what I will tell myself...In great shoes. Today, a previously photographed pair of the comfiest black flats ever.