My apologies for the delay in this post. I know it is long overdue, however I am happy to report that I am successfully relocated. Calgary is cold, often wet and due for snow this week but it is my new happy home nonetheless.
Driving across the country was easier than I initially anticipated, as my boyfriend and I took 3-4 hour shifts each and didn't drive more than 12 hours in a day. Ontario, true to form had construction every 2 kilometres and a smattering of little towns I never even knew existed. Spanish, Ontario...who knew?
Anyhow the footwear that got me through that week and a half or so (including the trip to Ottawa to pickup the bf) was a pair of Maryjane crocs. Say what you will about them but when you are driving, driving and driving some more they can't be beat. That said, judging by some of the attire we experience driving through some of those little towns, my Maryjane crocs were haute couture. 

Driving through the prairies was very flat. Like an optical illusion where you are driving continuously but going nowhere. No large trees or anything to use as landmarks, no twists, no turns, only straight. Anyhow, upon arriving in Alberta the landscape changed just as drastically as our moods. This is real life now, this is our new homeland for the next 2 -5 years. We spent the week seeing a bunch of properties before settling on a fourth (top) floor one bedroom condo with high finishings near the Stampede grounds. It is a little slice of heaven. Today, two weeks after having moved in we finally have all our furniture purchased and put together, one Ikea piece at a time I might add, and it finally feels like home.
At work things couldn't be better. I discovered during the drive out here that I won the PWH scholarship I had applied for an thus get an expenses paid trip to HIDA this October, so I am THRILLED about that. I have two trade shows on the table for the upcoming month, one in Saskatoon the other in Moose Jaw so travel is my middle name, or it should be.
My office here in the Calgary branch is a tad cluttered, as it has gone unused (other than as storage) for a bit but I am slowly remedying that as the days go by. In a few weeks I expect to have it just right. The previous weeks here have been spent doing some warehouse work, which I surprisingly enjoyed (in supportive sauconys), planning for the aforementioned trade shows and of course getting to know every single one of my new coworkers, which has been amazing in and of itself.

I really enjoy the crowd here, much more quaint than what I was used to in Brampton simply due to size. Everyone seems to get along well both in and outside of the office. They are a social bunch that seem like a lot of fun so I am excited to hang out with them outside these walls.
All in all, the past few weeks have been crazy busy, exhausting and full of excitement, but it's only the beginning. That I know for sure. I'm happy though, at the end of the day, I love this life and look forward to marching ahead at full speed....In great shoes.