The last few business days went without posts due to the fact that I was in transit to and then participating in a trade show in Moose Jaw, Sask. It was a show regarding infection control, attended mainly by nurses of surrounding health regions. A small show by general standards but some good leads came out of it, so mission accomplished. The highlight of the show for me was meeting some of the sales reps that cover the territory, who were quite spirited and honestly a ton of fun to work with. The highlight of the show for everyone else (I'm nearly certain) was the AMAZING booth decor (signs & banner) that I had made for the event. It was colourful, eye-catching and poignant, thus served as a great backdrop to all of the products we were showcasing. I was, as you may have guessed, extremely proud of how it all turned out, given it was really my responsibility to catch the trade-show goers attention.

All in all I think we all really enjoyed our time there and I certainly speak for myself when I say I look forward to seeing them again!
Moose Jaw, the city in which the trade show took place however, was thoroughly boring. I admit it was because I really had nobody to show me around, tell me what to do or see, or even to hang out with, but I did walk around a bit and was a tad underwhelmed. I was staying right in the downtown as well and I found nothing to interest me. I was lucky to eventually find a spa in town that had appointments available and took advantage of that. Else wise, there was squat to do. So Moose Jaw, step it up a notch or I will not return. Thanks.
Today I have been catching up on some stuff from last week's thrilling adventure to Moose Jaw as well as trying to square some things away before I head out on my second co-travel day with another one of our sales reps tomorrow. This rep has been in his position for over 25 years so I suppose he knows what he's doing! I always look forward to co-travel because it is a wonderful way to get out of the office, do some face-to-face customer service and really learn about the people and places we sell to everyday. Very much looking forward to that tomorrow.
Also, my current business mission is to convince my boss to allow me to have a corporate card. With all the travel expenses, marketing materials, etc. that I am doing there is quite the chunk of money being spent on my personal credit cards, which makes me slightly nervous. I know I will get the money back, it's just the waiting that bothers me because I am the type of person that pays my bill the same day (or a day or two after) that the charges are made. So waiting weeks to file an expense report, get it approved, get a reimbursement cheque, etc. is not my idea of easy. The easiest thing to do would be to entrust me with a corporate credit card. Let's be honest, I'm the last person on the planet who would misuse it. That would just be counter-intuitive.
So I suppose I will just deal with it, rain or shine....In great shoes.