That co-worker bond is something not easily duplicated, which in a way frightens me as I partake in this big move. I know everyone who works in this building and they know me in return. Moving to a branch where nobody knows a damn thing about me except that I am the president's daughter is daunting. I know I will be getting judged for the name attached to me. I know there are assumptions that have been made about how I will interact with everyone there. I also know they are almost all wrong.
My prime goal of going to Calgary is to work my ass off and make a splash. It may be little at first but with time I know I will not be adhering to standards, but setting them. I will make sure to build a reputation based on reliability and superb work ethic. All that and being known for the most fabulous footwear for kilometers around, of course.
As a side note, I would like to state that my life is gradually being packed up into boxes in preparation for their shipment Friday morning. It's awesome packing things up because I rediscover things from drawers, closets or cupboards that I haven't seen in ages. I have found some really great stuff that I own. It reaffirms my great taste.
On the other hand, it is an odd feeling knowing that everything I own can be packed up into roughly 10 boxes. A small quantity for a girl with such a large personality.
So here's to making a splash...In great shoes.
Today, the splash has been made in the office by my pink glittery peep toe heels. They are so fun that they literally make me smile every time I look down at them. :)