Yes, it is that special day of the year. The day we acknowledge the beginning of my life some 22 years ago. All the same, I am at work. My coworkers have been fantastic though as I have received many well wishes and a few cards as well. I also work with a very diverse group of people, in almost every way, so 22 doesn't seem so old when people here tell me they are double that age. Puts it into perspective really!
My apologies for not posting yesterday, I was sick. Really sick, not just hung-over from the long weekend, which was STELLAR by the way. Much needed time with my bestest of friends by the lake, in the hot tub and by the fire! with us all living and/or working apart from one another (though I will be the farthest after the move) it is great to spend quality relaxing time together. Reminds me how PRICELESS my friends truly are. I adore them.
Though my first sick day - a widely discussed event in general terms - was far from enjoyable. I came in to work as usual not feeling my best, but deteriorated tot he point of uselessness in under an hour. So I called it a day at 9:35. Then went to the doctor, etc., etc. and got hooked up with all the strongest meds on the market. Thank goodness, as today I am feeling better.
Went to Starbucks this morning, as they are supposed to give you a free drink on your birthday if you have a registered Starbucks card, which I do, only to discover that the company has to send you a coupon in the mail in order to claim this free drink. Needless to say I have seen no such coupon and was sorely disappointed, having to pay full price from my tall skinny vanilla latte. BOO YOU STARBUCKS. NOT COOL. I bet they won't even send this alleged coupon at all.
On a more positive note, as it is my birthday I have decided to post not the shoes that I'm wearing, but rather the shoes I WISH I was wearing. Birthdays are for wishes, after all.
Needless to say I could feature many many pairs on my 'wish list' but will keep it short for the purpose of this post.
The #1 on my wish list is not even from this season, but still a pair I lust after endlessly. The Christian Louboutin Ariella studded boot. I am positive it would be the perfect addition to my wardrobe. I would find many occasion to break those babies out. I feel they speak volumes.

#2 Melissa & Vivienne Westwood - Lady dragon heart heels. in any colour but the yellow. Fun, Flirty and reportedly super comfortable. Certainly wish-worthy.
Lastly #3 Steve Madden CARYSSAG multi coloured glitter platforms. DIVINE. So much fun! they just demand attention.

So that's my fantasy WISH list. It's wonderful that we have days devoted to things we want - not need. Where it is all about Moi. If only everyday could be so wonderful.
Keep wishing...In great shoes.