Back at work after my very productive yet snowy visit to Vancouver and tired from this weekend's mandatory inventory I can rejoice in the fact that at the very least it is sunny here in Calgary.
All else is a blur honestly as I scramble to catch up on things I missed whilst I was gone as well as start new project I was assigned while away. No shortage of things to do here st work, not to mention trying to coordinate Christmas travel plans, Christmas gifts, the company Christmas party and everything in between....and my boyfriend says his life was hard babysitting Luna last week when I was away. Comparatively, he had it easy. The best part about his job (working as a bank teller) is that after the bank closes and the wickets balance he has nothing else to worry about. He can go home with absolutely nothing to think about or plan for in the days to come. Lucky guy, huh? (Well of course, he has me!) ;)
I know that sort of work is the exception to the rule. Most of us take our work home with us (if only in our heads) and stress about it or plan for it when we really should be relaxing, recovering or taking care of our personal errands and relationships. I find myself trying to separate work and life by writing massive TO-DO lists on my desk so that I don't forget anything. At least that way I can so what I can during the day and recharge at night. The list allows me to pick up where I left off and continue without too much lag time.
Even blogging makes the To-Do list, thank god, as this post has taken me two days to sort out.
Moving into December I am really aiming to strike everything of my monthly To-Dos so that I can start 2011 of truly fresh.
So here's to doing everything in my power to complete 2010's To-Dos...In great shoes.
A work-daily chronicling of my journey to the top of the corporate ladder (where ever that may take me) ... in great shoes.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Freezing Friday
Freezing Friday! Today has been the first day of the week that it hasn't snowed;. We have about 3ft piled up here now and are holding at about -15 degrees Celsius. So JUST LOVELY, to sum it up.
I am more than happy to be heading off to Vancouver next week for work as it is not even cold enough there to have snow. No snow at all, just lots of rain. I will be out there Monday through Thursday working with our territory managers out there as well as just getting a feel for our Vancouver operations - having never seen them. So I am quite excited, Calgary won't miss me I'm sure.
Luna, however, I'm sure will miss me as she will not be able to come to the office during the day with out me here. In fact, because Chris (the boyfriend) works all day she will have to stay home alone during the day. I am trying to convince him to spring for a few days of doggy day care, so hopefully he concedes as I am sure she will be craving the attention after a day or so.
So today being dress down day I am wearing nothing truly remarkable, though yesterday, whilst I was too busy to blog I had on a fantastic outfit complete with a pink tie and pink sparkled slingbacks. It was a happy day in office fashion. It was a tad dressy for a simple Thursday, I admit, but I felt great in it and that's all that matters.
Other than that I only have a small comment about a fashion faux-pas that is reoccurring here in the Calgary branch. One of our new employees, a younger girl, sports leggings EVERY DAY. Now, I am the first to love black leggings worn under a dress or for lounging around the house but she continually wears them with short sweaters. Please Stop! Wear them all you want with long sweaters or short dresses or most anything that cover your bum but PLEASE do not substitute leggings (no matter the thickness) for pants. They are not pants. That said, leggings are unforgiving in terms of leaving some things to the imagination. Keep that in mind. She is a thin girl and thus should be very proud of her shape - though that does not mean I want to see it. I will end my rant here in hopes of already having made my case. Verdict: Buy pants.
Case dismissed...In great shoes.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Winter Woes.
A week after having posted about trying to bring back some fashionable footwear to my life, Calgary quite literally dumped a cold dose of reality on me. More specifically, two feet of snow.

I not only spent 20 minutes digging out my poor Nissan Versa to get it ready to go to work but also fought with Luna for almost the same amount of time to get her to go outside period. Puppy's first snowfall was not a happy occasion. She is too cold to even dream of going outside so I feel like a Disney villain forcing her out in hopes she will understand that if she just went pee quickly I would let her back in. No luck yet, she would rather go on her training pads inside where it is warm.
Back to me though, I am seriously frustrated with weather like this. Cute shoes now have to be smuggled in my purse to be worn indoors whilst I trek through the snow in my Sorels. The ugliest yet warmest boots I have ever purchased. That's what I hate about living in colder Canadian climates - fashion goes out the window. I don't care what anyone says its hard to be hot when you are just trying to stay warm. It's in times like these that fashion magazine, sites and blogs really frustrate me because they put cute holiday dresses, frilly coats and heeled boots all over the place as appropriate winter wear. HA! Maybe if you live in a place where -5 is considered REALLY COLD. In places like Calgary, where real cold lives, these things simply wouldn't do. I am begging one fashion magazine to come up with SOMETHING that can be worn in REAL winter. Not this 'wearing leggings under a summer dress paired with a cardigan' is winter worthy. Even Canadian fashion magazines haven't caught on to the fact that some readers want to actually purchase the clothes they see in magazines, not simply stare at them for the artistic value. So why won't they print things that can actually survive a typical winter?
It's actually quite depressing, having lovely things in your closet to wear but never putting them on simply because doing so could cause frost bite. Even inside the office is too cold now to wear anything but pants. I actually keep a fleece blanket over my legs now even when wearing pants to be at a comfortable temperature. Maybe I just need to invest in more pants.
So stay tuned as I try to weather the storm... In great (for winter) shoes.
Pictured, for comparison's sake are the shoes I was wearing yesterday and then the pair I had to wear in today. This puts a visual to my depression.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Top Model
Today (in about an hour from now) is Luna's first modelling gig.
I say that because she will be demo-ing one of our veterinary products to an inquisitive Calgary vet. She is currently catching up on her beauty sleep to prepare.
On a similar vane note, I have finally stepped back into heels after avoiding it for over a week for fear of puppy knocking me off them. I figured I would just suck it up and see how it goes. So far, so good. No major spills as yet. Granted, I am only wearing about a 3.5 inch heel so there really wouldn't be that far to fall, but I need to start small. I don't trust myself yet in my preferred heel height (5 inches plus) with Luna becoming more excitable by the day. She has these random bursts of energy that to be honest just tire me out. So high high heels + crazy puppy = not the best idea.
I miss those heels though. I can hear them call my name from my closet as they resent my new puppy in unison. They want me back. Soon enough heels, soon enough. I am working up to it as we speak.
This really shouldn't be that hard. There must be an appropriate way to mix fido and fashion. Dog hair on everything really isn't cute though - as inevitable as it is. I just need to invest in a lot of those sticky rollers and hide them in my purse, desk and car. Then I may succeed!
As long as I don't start smelling like puppy I think I will be ok!
Wish me luck on trying to achieve balance between k9 & great shoes!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Parrot?
UPDATE: My supervisor has finally noticed that I have a dog in the office. He said he was informed by a third I think someone mentioned it rather than he actually noticing. Either way, he seemed a tad cold to the idea of a pet in my office, as expected, detailing that he doesn't want a precedent set that people can "bring their Parrots to work...and the like". His underlying point of not wanting it to be a zoo in here makes perfect sense. This is why I would never bring her in if she was rambunctious or loud or anything. However the parrot thing really was exaggerating in my opinion.
I will be sure not to bring in any birds. Or anything with wings. For now though Luna stays!
WE have almost made it though a week here in the office with her so I am pretty sure she is used to it, though only time will tell.
Still dealing with the phone lines here in Calgary as the two new ladies are being trained. They seem sweet and excited, so I am looking forward to working with them in future. I am more looking forward to getting back to my day to day stuff this headset (that I use for customer service) really impedes my fancy headbands/headbows/fascinators and really all extravagant head wear - which is of course upsetting.
Today on the toes my black suede platforms! They really just go with everything!
I love that I am again today....In great shoes!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Four is better than two
Today is a FIRST here in the office as it is the first day that instead of there being two (well dressed) feet under my desk there is also four paws. My puppy Luna came in to work with me today and has been an absolute angel! We just got her on Thursday of last week and she had us running around all weekend with her, trying to quickly adjust to her schedule, needs, etc.
It is all completely worth it though as she is so adorable and loving it's insane. I have received approval from my manager to bring her into work for the first few months just to get her properly trained and we will see how it goes from there and I really think this set up is going to work. She is very timid at work, for now but mostly just sleeps and chews her toys. I know in time she will get more curious but by then everyone at the office will be used to her and love her just as much as I do. I am lucky to work in such a small branch full of such wonderful people otherwise this wouldn't be possible - so I am super grateful! I would hate to leave a puppy at home all day alone and so I am really happy it works out.
I tried to get approval from the branch head honcho, but because he is never in the office, or when he is too busy to speak to me, I made a judgement call without his OK. So when he comes in tomorrow I am sure he will be in for a surprise. He better be OK with it though as I am not returning her. Not for anything.
Other than that, as we are still short staffed I have been answering phone for customer service all day! Putting out fires, solving problems, recommending things, etc, etc. so it has been a full day with almost no time to spare. Thank God it slows down close to the end of the day so I have time to blog!
I have posted more pics to my twitter account @ingreatshoes of Luna (the new olde english bulldogge pup) so feel free to check that out!
Now it's time to train her not to eat my GREAT shoes. :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I must be doing great!
Around here they say that if you are not busy that you must not be doing you job. Following that logic I must be doing a super duper job. Regional sales meeting earlier this week went well, as did my Monday training and my Friday preparation. There is honestly so much going on here that time simply flies buy as if it didn't exist at all.
To elaborate, regional sales meetings went wonderfully, more specifically due to my presentation! Well, I suppose everyone else's presentations went well as well but I seem to be biased! I got great feedback and the whole thing seems to be really well received, so good news all around. I also thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with our Territory managers, whom I only see from time to time and catching up with them! We had a very productive few chats as I now have all of our female TMs out here on Twitter! So I can keep up with all the crazy amazing things they get up to on a daily basis and in return we can all stay connected in 140 characters or less!
Say what you want about social media but it really does have some incredible potential in regards to business, used correctly it can work wonders. So I am working with my lovely ladies to develop their tweeting skills!
We are also undergoing some staffing changes here in Calgary, so I am sad to see a few people go as everyone I work with is awesome - though I am excited for their future plans and look forward to meeting new people who will be joining our team. In the meantime though there is a lot of scrambling being done to try and fill holes. Hence my lack of blogging. I know, less excuses, more typing. I'm working on it.
Looking forward to a very special edition of fashion Friday tomorrow, as it is our Halloween edition and I will be sure to take some pics of anyone in costume! I myself have some very colourful plans!
Stayed tuned for the excitement that will be tomorrow's outfits....In great (and perhaps spooky) shoes! Today, just my favorite pair of oxfords paired with a pinstripe pant!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
One wrung at a time
HELLO there!
Exciting news! I was approached by my boss this morning asking if I would like to do a 20 minute presentation at our regional sales meeting next week on what I am learning through all my recent experiences and training. YES INDEED, I would. I am so excited to do my first presentation for my coworkers that I almost jumped for joy.
I have always loved presentations, having done dozens through school and case competitions and have always excelled at public speaking. People don't scare me. Papers (or rather having to research for them) scare me. So given the choice I would prefer to present rather than produce a report. So I will be doing my presentation on a few key sales items I have learned from my 95% share marketing experience and the course I am current doing PRECISE selling. Don't worry, I will give credit where credit is due - my second slide specifically details whose ideas I am playing off of and where they were originally published/presented.
I don't plan to simply regurgitate. I plan to interpret, apply and explain these key ideas for people who may never have come across anything like it otherwise. The short presentation will also give me an opportunity to introduce myself in a grandiose way to my co-workers here in the west. I know this will not be the last presentation I do in my career, so its best to get everyone acquainted with my style right off the bat.
I must say though as I started to work on this presentation that PowerPoint 2003 is seriously slowing me down. I am used to working with 2007, having used it all through school on personal computers but corporate technology for some reason is slightly more archaic. So I may have to bring in my personal computer tomorrow to get this done more effectively.
I feel as thought this presentation is another wrung to be climbed on my corporate ladder, one that I am all to ready to get at...In great shoes. (Today in a previously photographed pair of heeled leather boots.)
Exciting news! I was approached by my boss this morning asking if I would like to do a 20 minute presentation at our regional sales meeting next week on what I am learning through all my recent experiences and training. YES INDEED, I would. I am so excited to do my first presentation for my coworkers that I almost jumped for joy.
I have always loved presentations, having done dozens through school and case competitions and have always excelled at public speaking. People don't scare me. Papers (or rather having to research for them) scare me. So given the choice I would prefer to present rather than produce a report. So I will be doing my presentation on a few key sales items I have learned from my 95% share marketing experience and the course I am current doing PRECISE selling. Don't worry, I will give credit where credit is due - my second slide specifically details whose ideas I am playing off of and where they were originally published/presented.
I don't plan to simply regurgitate. I plan to interpret, apply and explain these key ideas for people who may never have come across anything like it otherwise. The short presentation will also give me an opportunity to introduce myself in a grandiose way to my co-workers here in the west. I know this will not be the last presentation I do in my career, so its best to get everyone acquainted with my style right off the bat.
I must say though as I started to work on this presentation that PowerPoint 2003 is seriously slowing me down. I am used to working with 2007, having used it all through school on personal computers but corporate technology for some reason is slightly more archaic. So I may have to bring in my personal computer tomorrow to get this done more effectively.
I feel as thought this presentation is another wrung to be climbed on my corporate ladder, one that I am all to ready to get at...In great shoes. (Today in a previously photographed pair of heeled leather boots.)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Shut up!
So today I have been continuing the Precise sales training that is going to make me rich! It is a lot of common sense lessons that salespeople tend to ignore based on existing standards or opinions. For instance, everyone thinks a sales presentation is all about the pitch. The sales person talking, talking, talking about benefits, cost savings, blah, blah, blah. In truth what should be happening is LISTENING. If a salesperson listened more than they would not only know what the customer wants or needs but also how the customer feels, their interests and concerns. Doesn't that make more sense? Of course it does and it is elementary knowledge. Listening skills was a category on your primary school report card for Christ sakes. Apparently a lot of people fail. Now I will admit I think I am one of them. I tend to dominate conversations by nature, expressing my thoughts, opinions and feelings whenever possible. Though now as I mature in this lifestyle (aka no longer a student who has nothing to lose) I realize the value of my silence. When I let other people talk, I gain so much more than when I do. I learn nothing about anything when I speak, only when I listen.
People take better to listening than talking anyway. Listening never gives off the impression of arrogance, where talking too much often does. (The jury is still out on whether blogging constitutes as talking too much)
The program highlights the fact that in conversation instead of telling people our life story and making statements that we are better to pose questions in order to further our relationship with the person and learn more about them. When people feel that you are genuinely interested in their opinions, they will share more of themselves. This, of course, extends way beyond business interaction. In our daily lives we could all be better listeners. We could gain so much from others that we are currently missing out on for love of our own voices.
Time to shut up and just listen...In great shoes.
Today, in the second pair of lady loafers I acquired in Chicago. Black & buckled by BCBGenereation.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A sad day
Yesterday was an awesome day. I felt caught back up, got a chiropractic adjustment and was doing well all-around. That is until I lost my day planner. I must have left it at the bank while I was using the ATM because I took it out and put it on the counter and I don't remember ever picking it back up. This makes me really uptight because I live out of that day planner. There is nothing of true VALUE to anyone in it. No money, credit cards or Sin numbers. Just all my daily goings on, to-dos, receipts and frequent flyer numbers. SO in essence it is useless to everyone else but me. To me it is the essence of organization and one of my favorite possessions.
Thankfully, the bank has called and said they found a notebook of mine, so I am hoping everything is intact and present. I even have to leave early to retrieve it as the bank does not open past 4:30, the exact time I officially finish work. So I feel really silly having to do all this because I am forgetful.
At work today, on a more productive note, I have started an online sales training program called PRECISE selling taught by a gentleman I met at the HIDA show last week. His name is Brian Sullivan and we got introduced last week and got along splendidly! So much so that he offered his program to me at no cost - which is wonderful because I am not the wealthiest of people at this time (considering my recent Macy's/Nordstrom's splurge). So I have begun working through his module-d program in hopes of becoming the best salesperson ever! I think I can do it! It will take me about 20 days to get through but should be valuable when all is said and done. I certainly look forward to what Brian has to offer through this thing, as his reputation in the industry precedes him.
20 days and counting until I take over the sales world (theoretically)...In great shoes. Today, a pair of my new lady loafers by Anne Klein.
Monday, October 18, 2010
There's no place like HIDA
Home again from my 10 day adventure in the US. First to Vegas for some much needed family time and glamour! Had an absolute blast unwinding in the casinos, clubs and many fine restaurants at our disposal. WE soaked up the sun by the pool, drank champagne in the VIP and really took advantage of the time we had so I was thoroughly satisfied. I was good in the shopping department as I only bought 2 dresses and one pair of shoes.
In Chicago, however for HIDA, I was not so restrained. I went to both Macy's and Nordstrom RACK as well as old navy and picked up a new Calvin Klein purse, two pairs of lady loafers, a pair of wedges, 2 pairs of skinny jeans, 4 cardigans and two shirts. Obama mine as well name me as the new American stimulus package as I am pretty sure I have supported the American economy more than his silly packages. Outside of my shopping extravaganza I attended the Health Industry Distributor Association's annual trade show and conference. It was three jam pack days of meetings, products and people. I had the pleasure of taking part in what is called the EBE - the executive business exchange this year, which is essentially speed dating for the most important individuals in organizations so a lot gets done in short periods of time. That was a great experience as I got more acquainted with more of the who's who in the business as well as got to hear an overview of what is next for Stevens (in the eyes of our manufacturers) in the year to come.
I also spent a great deal of time with PWH (professional women in health care), the organization who sponsored my trip! What an amazing bunch of ladies! They all are so knowledgeable, fierce and amazing that I just adored soaking up everything they had to say. They were extremely supportive of me in my new role here at Stevens and have pledged to do anything and everything required to help me get to the top of my game. It was incredible feeling so appreciated, supported and encouraged. These women really inspired me to go forward in my career at full tilt. They expressed the fact that they see enormous potential in me and that just sent me over the moon. How great is it to be recognized so young? Amazing, that's how.
On top of all that I also attended many social events with the industry VIP including a Willy Wonka themed candy event that was a sight and a half! Candy everywhere! OOmpa-Loompas, chocolate rivers and even a golden ticket! It was a scream. I enjoyed myself more than I can possibly say.
I will continue o talk more about my HIDA adventures as the week progresses. For now I am trying to play catch-up here back at my desk and not doing a very good job. With all these projections of greatness cast upon me, I have big (but still great) shoes to fill in the next few years. So I must get a jump on greatness ASAP.
Stay tuned...In Great Shoes. Today, sporting a new fascinator I picked up online and have made a new office statement. Everyone loves how classy I am making this office, one fascinator at a time.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Viva LV
The last day of work prior to a vacation is always odd. There is always tons to do before you leave and yet in some way you mind is already wandering to where you will be in 24 hours. For me its sun, slots and absolute luxury. With Las Vegas on the mind it seems hard to stay grounded on a cool day at a desk in Calgary.
I took care of anything time sensitive right away and am REALLY looking forward to leaving the country at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Packing last night, however proved interesting. I am going straight from a 4 day personal vacation to a 5 day conference with equals 9 days of varying outfits. I need to be fabulous in Vegas in colour, sparkle and the highest of heels where Chicago calls for a more business casual appeal. There doesn't seem to be a suitcase big enough to pack everything I want to. The shoe choices alone take up a full bag. I am seriously fretting over what needs to go and want doesn't. Need being a totally subjective term, of course. So with such a gigantic dilemma occurring in my head, work seems to be the only thing anchoring me firmly to reality.
I know how lucky I am to have the opportunity to travel and I assure you I am eternally grateful. I would rather spend Thanksgiving in Vegas with my family than around a table eating turkey ANY DAY. That's just us though, my family, we never feel the need to conform to traditions we didn't like. So we started making our own. I adore it.
So for the next 10 days I will be seemingly MIA, but rest assured I am having the time of my life. I'll try to post, but as usual I make no promises. Time simply doesn't grow on trees. Just know I am wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving and thank I am thankful everyday that someone still reads this!
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my soles...In great shoes.
I appologize for the lack of photo today but my camera is not co-operating. I promise there will be all new shoes to see after I return from my trips!
I took care of anything time sensitive right away and am REALLY looking forward to leaving the country at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Packing last night, however proved interesting. I am going straight from a 4 day personal vacation to a 5 day conference with equals 9 days of varying outfits. I need to be fabulous in Vegas in colour, sparkle and the highest of heels where Chicago calls for a more business casual appeal. There doesn't seem to be a suitcase big enough to pack everything I want to. The shoe choices alone take up a full bag. I am seriously fretting over what needs to go and want doesn't. Need being a totally subjective term, of course. So with such a gigantic dilemma occurring in my head, work seems to be the only thing anchoring me firmly to reality.
I know how lucky I am to have the opportunity to travel and I assure you I am eternally grateful. I would rather spend Thanksgiving in Vegas with my family than around a table eating turkey ANY DAY. That's just us though, my family, we never feel the need to conform to traditions we didn't like. So we started making our own. I adore it.
So for the next 10 days I will be seemingly MIA, but rest assured I am having the time of my life. I'll try to post, but as usual I make no promises. Time simply doesn't grow on trees. Just know I am wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving and thank I am thankful everyday that someone still reads this!
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my soles...In great shoes.
I appologize for the lack of photo today but my camera is not co-operating. I promise there will be all new shoes to see after I return from my trips!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sassy in Saskatchewan
So all of last week I was in Saskatchewan for work. I was co-travelling to NORTHERN Sask. with one of our reps as well as participating in a veterinary trade show. I just today sat back down at my desk for the first time in over a week. It has been very much a fast paced week, and it's only the beginning.
First off, I knew going t
here that Saskatchewan was not going to be the most glamorous of places, but little did I know that we would be travelling to some parts of northern Sask. where jeans and an over sized hoodie is fashion. Needless to say, I was overdressed, happily so. I also chose the wrong place to debut my brand new suede black leather platforms (as seen in a previous post detailing my lust for them). They were a hit in Saskatoon though, which was right in the middle of it's fashion week by the way! I was still overdressed. I am simply too sassy for Saskatchewan and that's a fact.

Nonetheless I had a great opportunity to meet more of my coworkers, spend some quality time
with them and interact with a few of our vet customers, whom I am not very familiar with, so it was a huge success in my book! During the trade show I modelled a few of our new and exciting Heine products, which people took to quite well. It's astounding how many vendors do not actually model the wearable products they sell, they prefer to showcase them instead. NOT ME! I jumped right in there and was using all the features, adjusting settings, testing battery life, etc. It was the best decision ever. People were really interested in what I was doing and had tons of questions which I was able to answers having worn the products all day! The best way to get acquainted with a product is to use it, so I was knowledge central.

Got to do a bit of schmoozing after the trade show with a few vendors, competitors and customers which is always fun and where I feel most comfortable. Casual professional conversation is my forte. I find I am learning to read people really well and connect to them quickly, which I know will serve me well in future. My current icebreaker is working wonders! It goes something like this:
Inquirer: So how long have you been with the company?
Me: 22 years with Stevens actually
Inquirer: Pardon me? 2 years did you say?
Me: No, No, 22 years.
Me: My name is Raissa Stevens my great great grandfather started this business over 180 years ago. I was quite literally born into this and haved loved it everyday since.
This clearly gives everyone a good laugh, showcases the longevity of our business and gives everyone a little taste of the tongue-in-cheek type of person I am. I will be using that again for sure!
Now back in Calgary I have returned to a chunk of things that need to be done ASAP. Two of our co-workers will be leaving us at the end of October and thus there is massive readjustment being done. I am trying as best I can to assist but it is no easy feat. Not to mention the fact that I leave to go to Vegas on Thursday and then go straight to Chicago from there for HIDA and thus won't be back in the office again until the 18th.
It's going to be a crazy crazy busy month. I will attempt to blog about it as much as possible, especially HIDA as that will be my first real big conference attendance and I intend to make a splash... In great shoes.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sick Day
Yesterday was the first sick day I have taken in my professional career. It was a genuine sick day as well, not one of those 'I'm too hungover to come in' or 'I don't FEEL like working today' days. I feel karma finds those people and slaps them with severe illnesses when they have used all of their sick days up. So I feel very strongly about only using a sick day for sickness - an extreme idea, I know.
Anyhow, thanks to modern medicine and the joys of over-the-counter drugs I am feeling much better today and thus am back in the office for Fashion Friday! Just in time as well because my manager is away on business and there is a lot of work to be done in her absence. She is a star here in Calgary and without her things just don't seem to flow as efficiently or as smoothly. At times I think she is a superhero for how much she accomplishes in a day, though I have deduced over time that she is a regular human like the rest of us, just a really awesome one.
On the topic of managers, I received an e-mail from my former manager, back at head office, rubbing the current shoe sales going on around town in my face. MUCHO GRACIAS AMIGO! You are the kindest of souls for thinking of me and taking the time out of your busy day to send me an e-mail specifically highlighting my distance from said sales. :P At the very least I hope she and my other Brampton colleagues take advantage where I cannot! So I say, go forth and spend! Spend for those of us that cannot! Treat yourself - you are worth it...and then send me photos.
Only 24 hours after receiving this e-mail I received another that seemed as though it had come from karma itself, an e-mail from Aldo saying that this weekend only they are having a 20% off sale for BMO bank customers (my new Calgary bank) in store on ALL merchandise. My shoe lust may very well be fulfilled this weekend with the promise of 20% off, I won't lie.
Another exciting piece of news here is the fact that today our office water cooler man (the guy who comes and picks up empties and drops off refills) is also a bulldog breeder. He lives in the city and breeds mini bulldogs (the breed I'm after) and invited me to come see the dogs and a few puppies he has at his home sometime in the next 2 weeks. Now these puppies are already sold, so I cannot be tempted to purchase one and I told him I was interested in acquiring a puppy for some time after October, as I travel too much before then - so we are on the same page. I am just incredibly excited to start the puppy process, even with the tiniest of steps, like meeting a potential breeder!
So I am a happy camper today high on thoughts of puppies and shoe sales! Really, this is why I love Fridays. All the lovely things seem to happen on Fridays...In great shoes.
Today in patent black pumps that I purchased in Brussels from New Look.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Above & Beyond
Today the Stevens Company, my employer, launched a nationwide internal campaign that encourages employees to do a few key things in order to strengthen and reinforce our position in the industry. I really enjoyed the way it was presented, focusing on differentiation, going above and beyond and defying convention- just to name a few. The campaign has really got me thinking about going above and beyond. Many people show up to work, do what they are told and then go home. Most of these people are also unhappy. Happiness in the workplace stems, in my humble yet still innately correct opinion, from pride in what you do. If you can take pride in the work you do in a day you will always go home satisfied. I am learning this at a rapid rate as new projects, tasks and lists get thrown across my desk daily.
For me that sense of pride comes from going above and beyond, or defying convention, a term pulled straight out of the aforementioned campaign. Being better than what people expected of you is incredibly satisfying, knowing that you exceeded their expectations in one way or another almost feels as though you proved someone wrong - in the most positive of ways.
Whether is is completing something faster than anticipated or taking it a step further than was asked - that extra bit of effort you put in usually merits intangible yet valuable rewards. Now people know what you can do and probably respect you that much more because of it. Yes, they may expect more next time, but that just gives you an opportunity to be better yet again. After all progress is a fact of life!
All that said I wonder if I exceed expectations, or if I simply meet them? Knowing that my harshest critic is myself, I know I should be more focused on going above and beyond in all facets of my life. Of course at work, because as a young professional I have a great deal to prove and a long way to climb up that corporate ladder, but also in my personal life. Perhaps I should strive to be a better friend, daughter, granddaughter and sister. Certainly we have to try to exceed the expectations of those closest to us, as their opinions and judgements are often the most important in life. If you can't go above and beyond for your family & friends, how can you do it for your customers?
So here is my pledge to be better, all around, in every way I can think of. Feel free to hold me to it... In great shoes.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Dr. No
When busy is an understatement work must be going well. So I must be doing really well.
This morning I spent time out on the road with another one of our Sales Reps, which was very different from my first experience doing similar co-travel because this time there was a lot of Nos. No, that person is not here, no we don't need anything, no they are not available to speak with you, no they won't be in the rest of this week, etc. etc.
As frustrating as this all sounds I feel it is an essential part of my (and any trainee's) learning process. Some people hear the word no all day long. You can't be successful in your endeavours 100% of the time. No is OK as long as you get a yes eventually. Even if you have to try multiple times to get a yes, that yes will be worth it (in many cases).
Upon my return to my desk, there was already a list formed on my notepad of to-dos. Now I am usually a huge fan of lists, though I must say I like to compile them myself. I dislike anyone else's handing me their list. So now I have a bunch of things to attend to for the rest of this week before I head out to Saskatoon on Monday.
I think this is real life now. Lists, deadlines, unexpected tasks and a heap of expectations. I will look at this positively and tell myself it is because of how CAPABLE I am, others having recognized that capability, now giving me more and more things to accomplish.
Yes, that's what I will tell myself...In great shoes. Today, a previously photographed pair of the comfiest black flats ever.
This morning I spent time out on the road with another one of our Sales Reps, which was very different from my first experience doing similar co-travel because this time there was a lot of Nos. No, that person is not here, no we don't need anything, no they are not available to speak with you, no they won't be in the rest of this week, etc. etc.
As frustrating as this all sounds I feel it is an essential part of my (and any trainee's) learning process. Some people hear the word no all day long. You can't be successful in your endeavours 100% of the time. No is OK as long as you get a yes eventually. Even if you have to try multiple times to get a yes, that yes will be worth it (in many cases).
Upon my return to my desk, there was already a list formed on my notepad of to-dos. Now I am usually a huge fan of lists, though I must say I like to compile them myself. I dislike anyone else's handing me their list. So now I have a bunch of things to attend to for the rest of this week before I head out to Saskatoon on Monday.
I think this is real life now. Lists, deadlines, unexpected tasks and a heap of expectations. I will look at this positively and tell myself it is because of how CAPABLE I am, others having recognized that capability, now giving me more and more things to accomplish.
Yes, that's what I will tell myself...In great shoes. Today, a previously photographed pair of the comfiest black flats ever.
Monday, September 20, 2010
To MooseJaw and back again

If you were wondering, Calgary is still gray and cold and will probably remain so for the whole week. Which means the black heeled knee-high boots I am wearing (that I bought two years ago for 80% off) will be my new go -to shoe. Not the worst thing in the world, I know, but I still have lots of sandals that did not see sun this season!
The last few business days went without posts due to the fact that I was in transit to and then participating in a trade show in Moose Jaw, Sask. It was a show regarding infection control, attended mainly by nurses of surrounding health regions. A small show by general standards but some good leads came out of it, so mission accomplished. The highlight of the show for me was meeting some of the sales reps that cover the territory, who were quite spirited and honestly a ton of fun to work with. The highlight of the show for everyone else (I'm nearly certain) was the AMAZING booth decor (signs & banner) that I had made for the event. It was colourful, eye-catching and poignant, thus served as a great backdrop to all of the products we were showcasing. I was, as you may have guessed, extremely proud of how it all turned out, given it was really my responsibility to catch the trade-show goers attention.

All in all I think we all really enjoyed our time there and I certainly speak for myself when I say I look forward to seeing them again!
Moose Jaw, the city in which the trade show took place however, was thoroughly boring. I admit it was because I really had nobody to show me around, tell me what to do or see, or even to hang out with, but I did walk around a bit and was a tad underwhelmed. I was staying right in the downtown as well and I found nothing to interest me. I was lucky to eventually find a spa in town that had appointments available and took advantage of that. Else wise, there was squat to do. So Moose Jaw, step it up a notch or I will not return. Thanks.
Today I have been catching up on some stuff from last week's thrilling adventure to Moose Jaw as well as trying to square some things away before I head out on my second co-travel day with another one of our sales reps tomorrow. This rep has been in his position for over 25 years so I suppose he knows what he's doing! I always look forward to co-travel because it is a wonderful way to get out of the office, do some face-to-face customer service and really learn about the people and places we sell to everyday. Very much looking forward to that tomorrow.
Also, my current business mission is to convince my boss to allow me to have a corporate card. With all the travel expenses, marketing materials, etc. that I am doing there is quite the chunk of money being spent on my personal credit cards, which makes me slightly nervous. I know I will get the money back, it's just the waiting that bothers me because I am the type of person that pays my bill the same day (or a day or two after) that the charges are made. So waiting weeks to file an expense report, get it approved, get a reimbursement cheque, etc. is not my idea of easy. The easiest thing to do would be to entrust me with a corporate credit card. Let's be honest, I'm the last person on the planet who would misuse it. That would just be counter-intuitive.
So I suppose I will just deal with it, rain or shine....In great shoes.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
These shoes were made for walking
Today I did my first day as a shadow to a sales rep! I spent the day with a seasoned rep doing a few sales calls, check-ins, etc. and I must say I quite enjoyed it. You really connect the dots, per say, when you are out on the road doing sales. I mean we all know how it works in theory, the process of communicating with the client, facilitating an order, placing it and then picking and shipping it in the warehouse, though now that I have been a part of ALL of those functions independently I feel like I finally see the whole picture. It has provided me with an extreme amount of perspective on how and because of who this company functions. It really is very similar to a well oiled machine, without one function, the others simply could not exist. Keeping that fact at the forefront of my mind going forward will prove valuable, I'm sure.
I also have been hustling the last day or two to prepare all the materials required for my upcoming trade show. I compiled the shipment (of course with some help form my awesome coworkers) of the booth materials and sample stock to be used at the show and got that out today, so that's progress! I also just finished working with Staples to complete some of the signage and boot decor I will be using. All in all I feel it has been a very productive day or two, so I feel good. Very much looking forward to this show coming up.
Now to my other current preoccupation, my new case of shoe lust. We were out & about this weekend and I spotted them at ALDO and have not taken my mind off of them since. They are not the mot expensive pair in the wold but at this stage, having just paid all my moving expenses, furniture, etc. I just don't think I can swing it. Black suede wedges that would go with everything (pictured below). Problem is, it is a very wet season right now here in Calgary, with flurries expected in the near future so I probably should invest in rain boots at this point as opposed to these gorgeous wedges. Rain boots come in some pretty funky and awesome styles these days anyways, so it really would still be a cool purchase - just not the one I want to be making!

So such is my dilemma - the eternal Fashion or Function?
Stay tuned as I continue this internal and critical debate... In great shoes.
Today, my black and white oxfords!
Monday, September 13, 2010
You have arrived
My apologies for the delay in this post. I know it is long overdue, however I am happy to report that I am successfully relocated. Calgary is cold, often wet and due for snow this week but it is my new happy home nonetheless.
Driving across the country was easier than I initially anticipated, as my boyfriend and I took 3-4 hour shifts each and didn't drive more than 12 hours in a day. Ontario, true to form had construction every 2 kilometres and a smattering of little towns I never even knew existed. Spanish, Ontario...who knew?
Anyhow the footwear that got me through that week and a half or so (including the trip to Ottawa to pickup the bf) was a pair of Maryjane crocs. Say what you will about them but when you are driving, driving and driving some more they can't be beat. That said, judging by some of the attire we experience driving through some of those little towns, my Maryjane crocs were haute couture. 

Driving through the prairies was very flat. Like an optical illusion where you are driving continuously but going nowhere. No large trees or anything to use as landmarks, no twists, no turns, only straight. Anyhow, upon arriving in Alberta the landscape changed just as drastically as our moods. This is real life now, this is our new homeland for the next 2 -5 years. We spent the week seeing a bunch of properties before settling on a fourth (top) floor one bedroom condo with high finishings near the Stampede grounds. It is a little slice of heaven. Today, two weeks after having moved in we finally have all our furniture purchased and put together, one Ikea piece at a time I might add, and it finally feels like home.
At work things couldn't be better. I discovered during the drive out here that I won the PWH scholarship I had applied for an thus get an expenses paid trip to HIDA this October, so I am THRILLED about that. I have two trade shows on the table for the upcoming month, one in Saskatoon the other in Moose Jaw so travel is my middle name, or it should be.
My office here in the Calgary branch is a tad cluttered, as it has gone unused (other than as storage) for a bit but I am slowly remedying that as the days go by. In a few weeks I expect to have it just right. The previous weeks here have been spent doing some warehouse work, which I surprisingly enjoyed (in supportive sauconys), planning for the aforementioned trade shows and of course getting to know every single one of my new coworkers, which has been amazing in and of itself.

I really enjoy the crowd here, much more quaint than what I was used to in Brampton simply due to size. Everyone seems to get along well both in and outside of the office. They are a social bunch that seem like a lot of fun so I am excited to hang out with them outside these walls.
All in all, the past few weeks have been crazy busy, exhausting and full of excitement, but it's only the beginning. That I know for sure. I'm happy though, at the end of the day, I love this life and look forward to marching ahead at full speed....In great shoes.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Office
First off, I just added the photos from my Chicago trip, so I encourage you to revisit that post to see a little bit of what I saw.
Second, today my car Yoshi is in the office with me as he had his very first service this morning. It was a big deal. I think now he is ready for the cross country drive we will soon be undertaking together.
On that note, I have begun packing up my cubicle as well, hence the box in today's shoe photo. I really have very little considering I have only been at this cubicle a little over three months, so it was a fairly easy task. The good news is when all this office stuff gets unpacked, it will not be cubicle bound. When I arrive in Calgary I get and office at work! With a door and everything! I am super excited about this because I feel as though being given an office at my age is an extreme privilege. I will make the most of it by Feng-Shui-ing it, posting the obligatory motivational placards and displaying my framed degree. I will also probably add a few photos from my travels, of my friends, etc. to make it a tad more personal.
Just thinking about having an office brings to mind images of having important meetings at my desk, interviewing people and throwing out the phrase " let's talk in my office" as much as humanly possible.
I am really looking forward to this....In great shoes.

Second, today my car Yoshi is in the office with me as he had his very first service this morning. It was a big deal. I think now he is ready for the cross country drive we will soon be undertaking together.
On that note, I have begun packing up my cubicle as well, hence the box in today's shoe photo. I really have very little considering I have only been at this cubicle a little over three months, so it was a fairly easy task. The good news is when all this office stuff gets unpacked, it will not be cubicle bound. When I arrive in Calgary I get and office at work! With a door and everything! I am super excited about this because I feel as though being given an office at my age is an extreme privilege. I will make the most of it by Feng-Shui-ing it, posting the obligatory motivational placards and displaying my framed degree. I will also probably add a few photos from my travels, of my friends, etc. to make it a tad more personal.
Just thinking about having an office brings to mind images of having important meetings at my desk, interviewing people and throwing out the phrase " let's talk in my office" as much as humanly possible.
I am really looking forward to this....In great shoes.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The end of an era.
With my departure only two days away now, people's attitudes towards me around the office have changed. Some reminisce about seeing me come in as a child to visit my dad or hang out in the boardroom, while others are asking what's next. That's the beauty of being involved in an organization for a long period of time, in my case since birth. You develop really lovely relationships with the people you work with and feel very supported by them.
That co-worker bond is something not easily duplicated, which in a way frightens me as I partake in this big move. I know everyone who works in this building and they know me in return. Moving to a branch where nobody knows a damn thing about me except that I am the president's daughter is daunting. I know I will be getting judged for the name attached to me. I know there are assumptions that have been made about how I will interact with everyone there. I also know they are almost all wrong.
My prime goal of going to Calgary is to work my ass off and make a splash. It may be little at first but with time I know I will not be adhering to standards, but setting them. I will make sure to build a reputation based on reliability and superb work ethic. All that and being known for the most fabulous footwear for kilometers around, of course.
As a side note, I would like to state that my life is gradually being packed up into boxes in preparation for their shipment Friday morning. It's awesome packing things up because I rediscover things from drawers, closets or cupboards that I haven't seen in ages. I have found some really great stuff that I own. It reaffirms my great taste.
On the other hand, it is an odd feeling knowing that everything I own can be packed up into roughly 10 boxes. A small quantity for a girl with such a large personality.
So here's to making a splash...In great shoes.

Today, the splash has been made in the office by my pink glittery peep toe heels. They are so fun that they literally make me smile every time I look down at them. :)
That co-worker bond is something not easily duplicated, which in a way frightens me as I partake in this big move. I know everyone who works in this building and they know me in return. Moving to a branch where nobody knows a damn thing about me except that I am the president's daughter is daunting. I know I will be getting judged for the name attached to me. I know there are assumptions that have been made about how I will interact with everyone there. I also know they are almost all wrong.
My prime goal of going to Calgary is to work my ass off and make a splash. It may be little at first but with time I know I will not be adhering to standards, but setting them. I will make sure to build a reputation based on reliability and superb work ethic. All that and being known for the most fabulous footwear for kilometers around, of course.
As a side note, I would like to state that my life is gradually being packed up into boxes in preparation for their shipment Friday morning. It's awesome packing things up because I rediscover things from drawers, closets or cupboards that I haven't seen in ages. I have found some really great stuff that I own. It reaffirms my great taste.
On the other hand, it is an odd feeling knowing that everything I own can be packed up into roughly 10 boxes. A small quantity for a girl with such a large personality.
So here's to making a splash...In great shoes.
Today, the splash has been made in the office by my pink glittery peep toe heels. They are so fun that they literally make me smile every time I look down at them. :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Tuesday Techonological Triumph
Today was a good day. Its always nice to be able to start a post that way.
After having returned from Chicago this weekend (pictures to be posted soon), Monday was all about catching up and getting back on track, so that is the summation of my yesterday.
My today however was more noteworthy. With the upcoming move approaching at light speeds, I have been trying to sort out any issues concerning my work devices before leaving the province and therein our Information Systems department. My laptop presented no serious issues, but my new (to me) Blackberry was running on 2005 software which is an issue because we all know I am a 2010 kind of girl. So after much struggle trying to get all the correct clearances to download, speaking to the appropriate people and rebooting my device a handful of time we have finally achieved success. My Blackberry has just been introduced to 2010 and I think it is enjoying its new contemporary lifestyle.
Corporate technology always presents hurdles for its users, I presume as a test of patience or just to make sure my day cannot pass TOO easily. Be it e-mail failures, Blackberry issues, outages, updates or random bugs, it always seems to be something. Though for every system failure there is a success like mine today - where something works as its supposed to. Days like today are good days.
I can now go back to participating in my handheld social life, which I assure you it is quite the Network.
I have forgotten my camera today - so there is no photo but for your information I am wearing my Greek silver sandals. They look great with a pair of wide leg gray pants with white pinstripes. Tomorrow I am debuting my newest pair of shoes, coming to us all the way from the UK so stay tuned, its going to be another great day...In great shoes.
After having returned from Chicago this weekend (pictures to be posted soon), Monday was all about catching up and getting back on track, so that is the summation of my yesterday.
My today however was more noteworthy. With the upcoming move approaching at light speeds, I have been trying to sort out any issues concerning my work devices before leaving the province and therein our Information Systems department. My laptop presented no serious issues, but my new (to me) Blackberry was running on 2005 software which is an issue because we all know I am a 2010 kind of girl. So after much struggle trying to get all the correct clearances to download, speaking to the appropriate people and rebooting my device a handful of time we have finally achieved success. My Blackberry has just been introduced to 2010 and I think it is enjoying its new contemporary lifestyle.
Corporate technology always presents hurdles for its users, I presume as a test of patience or just to make sure my day cannot pass TOO easily. Be it e-mail failures, Blackberry issues, outages, updates or random bugs, it always seems to be something. Though for every system failure there is a success like mine today - where something works as its supposed to. Days like today are good days.
I can now go back to participating in my handheld social life, which I assure you it is quite the Network.
I have forgotten my camera today - so there is no photo but for your information I am wearing my Greek silver sandals. They look great with a pair of wide leg gray pants with white pinstripes. Tomorrow I am debuting my newest pair of shoes, coming to us all the way from the UK so stay tuned, its going to be another great day...In great shoes.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The day of days
How does one begin to describe the day I have been experiencing a word - incredible. I have done so many things today that most people DREAM of doing and it's not even five p.m. It was an early start, at 7:30 which I was of course not a fan of but I was certainly won over quickly.
As I stated in previous blogs, I am on a marketing course today and tomorrow that is call 95 percent share marketing and is based in Chicago. It has been one of the best days of my life (and that's saying quite a bit) and again it's not over yet. I am only on our 1.5 hours of break time before we head out to round two.
Now I could write for hours about everything I did but I will try to give you the highlights:
-Tour the grounds, executive suite and walk the field at Soldier Field, home of the Chicago bears.

- Tour and experience Chicago's museum of natural history. There I had the pleasure of meeting SUE, the largest full T-Rex fossil ever found, among many other cool things.

- Tour the Chicago board of trade and actually WALK THE TRADE FLOOR! It was sweet sweet chaos and for sure my favorite part of the day. I didn't get to take any photos but it was just like the climactic scene in Trading Places! Simply AMAZING. The public isn't aloud on the floor so it was a very rare and extremely exclusive experience.

- View and tour the Chicago cultural centre, formerly the public library, which is just full of gorgeous mosaic tiling and colours!

- Tour Wrigley field, including an exclusive visit to the Cubs locker rooms and a chance to chill in the DUG OUT.

- View the airshow from the sunny lake shore!

- Having chocolate strawberries waiting for me when I returned to my room at the Ritz.

- Just now a spa attendant came to my door to draw me a spa bath!
It is simply heaven. I hope this is not the last time I come to Chicago and stay at the Ritz.
Life is great (yet comfortable) shoes.
As I stated in previous blogs, I am on a marketing course today and tomorrow that is call 95 percent share marketing and is based in Chicago. It has been one of the best days of my life (and that's saying quite a bit) and again it's not over yet. I am only on our 1.5 hours of break time before we head out to round two.
Now I could write for hours about everything I did but I will try to give you the highlights:
-Tour the grounds, executive suite and walk the field at Soldier Field, home of the Chicago bears.
- Tour and experience Chicago's museum of natural history. There I had the pleasure of meeting SUE, the largest full T-Rex fossil ever found, among many other cool things.
- Tour the Chicago board of trade and actually WALK THE TRADE FLOOR! It was sweet sweet chaos and for sure my favorite part of the day. I didn't get to take any photos but it was just like the climactic scene in Trading Places! Simply AMAZING. The public isn't aloud on the floor so it was a very rare and extremely exclusive experience.
- View and tour the Chicago cultural centre, formerly the public library, which is just full of gorgeous mosaic tiling and colours!
- Tour Wrigley field, including an exclusive visit to the Cubs locker rooms and a chance to chill in the DUG OUT.
- View the airshow from the sunny lake shore!

- Having chocolate strawberries waiting for me when I returned to my room at the Ritz.
- Just now a spa attendant came to my door to draw me a spa bath!
It is simply heaven. I hope this is not the last time I come to Chicago and stay at the Ritz.
Life is great (yet comfortable) shoes.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Here today, O'Hare tomorrow!
Today is my last day this week in the office, which is just as awesome as it sounds. I take off tomorrow morning to go to Chicago for a three day intensive marketing seminar called 95% share marketing. Needless to say I am more than excited. This program has been done by a handful of our upper management and received rave reviews so I am less sceptical than I would ordinarily be about a marketing seminar.
Many of the seminars out there are all about gimmicks, theories and motivational speakers. Coming straight out of university I don't really need anyone lecturing me about theories and ideas anymore. I need practical, tested, and honest lessons and observations that will directly equate to my job. So that's what I am hoping this upcoming seminar provides. My father (who has taken the course) assures me it will be 100% relevant so I am genuinely excited.
The best part of the whole thing to me is that as a part of this seminar I get to stay at the Ritz Carlton. That's a big deal. It makes me feel like a big deal. Be prepared for upcoming posts to include photos of the hotel, me basking in its luxury and my shoes marching across marbles floors.
For the next three days, it's the high life for me.... In great shoes.
Today, paired with magenta pink tights are a pair of black ankle boots I picked up for my birthday!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Manic Monday
Today was just one of 'those' days. I hate to use such a cliche and overdone expression, but it seems to be the only one that fits in this case.
This morning I sat down ready to catch up on e-mails sent over the weekend, issues waiting to be solved, etc. only to discover that the server was down, thus not letting e-mails in or out. Fine, I thought, they will have it up and running in no time. NOT SO. I only started getting e-mails at 11:45 and to this second have yet to experience 100% functionality in that regard. Our server is just nuts today. It is currently 3:40 pm and my desktop clock (which is sync-ed with the server) says 9:36 am. Before lunch it had said 3:14 am. Scary really to look down at your desktop clock as per habit and see that time. I hope to God I am never in the office at 3 in the morning.
It's astounding how much a simple thing like e-mail glitches can effect your productivity. We have become so reliant on electronic means of communication that when they fail, we stare dumbfounded at our computer screens feeling useless. That's my initial reaction anyhow. After a few minutes it clicks back in that there are things to do that are physical, on paper or in person but that is not the top of the mind thing to do. Days like today are valuable in that sense. It serves to remind us that we cannot work solely electronically. There are aspects of almost anyone's job that must be more personal than staring at a computer screen.
Due to the failures of our system, I have had a chance to follow up on a few existing issues with customers, calling to make sure the customer is satisfied, that I probably wouldn't have done immediately if my e-mail had been working well this morning. Which makes me wonder, are we losing a valuable facet of customer service by relying too heavily on e-mail and computers? Now, I love e-mail for the convenience it provides and I shop online for almost everything so I am a huge advocate for electronic means but I'm wondering where the line is. Sometimes being unplugged makes us realize that we are people, not machines and therein so are our customers. Customer service has to go above and beyond concise e-mails and order input in order to be effective. It's that extra little bit of 'je ne sais quoi' that comes from the people behind those phones and computers that makes the real difference both to the customer and to this company.
Perhaps being unplugged for a few hours isn't the worst thing that could happen on a Monday, though I must admit it has taken me all day to realize it.
So don't be afraid to unplug once and a while....In great shoes.
Today a pair of leather flats with zipper detailing, bought in Belgium.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Driving & Taxes
This Friday I have been forced to complete the despicable task of renewing my license plate sticker. Not so hard you may say, but tedious none the less. Especially because my plates are only three months old. Well, because they expire on your birthday, it doesn't matter when you got the plates originally, you still have to cough up the 75 bucks for a new sticker. The kicker is, I need this one year validated sticker for only the next 3 weeks, as I officially move out of the province on the 24th. So less than three weeks use for 75 bucks seems steep. Oh the government will refund the extra costs when you move, but you must return the plates to the Ontario office and a cheque will be mailed only to an Ontario address. Well if you are moving OUT OF PROVINCE what kind of sense does that make? None, that's what. Just another government mechanism to take your money and never give it back.
Since starting to get regular pay cheques I am astounded by how much I am taxed. I am in a lower income bracket by Canadian standards and am still taxed through the nose. I rarely ever use the health care system, have never claimed EI or any other kind of social welfare and probably never will. YET I still pay into a system I get nothing out of. I think my frustration will only grow with my income in this regard, as the more you make of course the more they tax. Despite the fact that you RECEIVE nothing extra for your additional taxes.
Do people not look at this from a basic economic perspective? If you pay more, you should get more. Why do we all pay different amounts for the exact same services? Why does someone who gets paid welfare get to be served before me at the hospital if their condition is just as severe as mine? Because they got there first? TOO BAD! My tax dollars are not only supporting this other person but also contribute to the salaries of the doctors and nurses who chose her over me. How is that economically correct?
In essence, tax simply isn't fair. I have to come to terms with that, as hard as it may be.
Now I understand that we should be good human beings and support the needy, but I choose to d so through charities and charitable efforts of my choice, thus should not have to agree with who the government decides is most in need.
So in summary, taxes are not my friend. Nor, I'm sure are they yours. They are the thorn in the side of my bi-weekly pay cheque and I detest them. Thankfully Alberta has lower taxation rates. Less to hate, I figure.
Fact: The first known system of taxation was in Ancient Egypt around 3000 BC - 2800 BC in the first dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Records from the time document that the pharaoh would conduct a biennial tour of the kingdom, collecting tax revenues from the people.
Since starting to get regular pay cheques I am astounded by how much I am taxed. I am in a lower income bracket by Canadian standards and am still taxed through the nose. I rarely ever use the health care system, have never claimed EI or any other kind of social welfare and probably never will. YET I still pay into a system I get nothing out of. I think my frustration will only grow with my income in this regard, as the more you make of course the more they tax. Despite the fact that you RECEIVE nothing extra for your additional taxes.
Do people not look at this from a basic economic perspective? If you pay more, you should get more. Why do we all pay different amounts for the exact same services? Why does someone who gets paid welfare get to be served before me at the hospital if their condition is just as severe as mine? Because they got there first? TOO BAD! My tax dollars are not only supporting this other person but also contribute to the salaries of the doctors and nurses who chose her over me. How is that economically correct?
In essence, tax simply isn't fair. I have to come to terms with that, as hard as it may be.
Now I understand that we should be good human beings and support the needy, but I choose to d so through charities and charitable efforts of my choice, thus should not have to agree with who the government decides is most in need.
So in summary, taxes are not my friend. Nor, I'm sure are they yours. They are the thorn in the side of my bi-weekly pay cheque and I detest them. Thankfully Alberta has lower taxation rates. Less to hate, I figure.
Fact: The first known system of taxation was in Ancient Egypt around 3000 BC - 2800 BC in the first dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Records from the time document that the pharaoh would conduct a biennial tour of the kingdom, collecting tax revenues from the people.
Fact: The highest personal income tax rates are in Denmark, at a maximum of 63%.
So I suppose I am not moving to Denmark... In Great Shoes.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Can one person have too many shoes? I feel that is my age-old dilemma of choice. Having around 50 pairs myself, I doubt that one person could ever hit TOO many.
As yesterday was my birthday, I bought myself four pairs on new shoes (in total under 75$, so a STEAL of a deal) online, all of which arrived yesterday. Now it is that image I think, having four shoes boxes stacked by the front door that creates the illusion to non-shoe fanatics that the owner of these beauties must have a problem. I probably spend less on four pairs than one of these people spend on one due to my stellar online deal shopping, but does that factor in to their PROBLEM diagnosis, oh no. My 'lavish' shoe spending must be the result of a deep rooted psychological issue resulting in a need to spend. I must stop buying shoes immediately to prevent from starving (for lack of food money). Incorrect, on both counts.
My shoe fetish results from a happy and hard earned wage that allows for some discretionary spending. Will it be like this all my life? Of course not, which is why I must take advantage of this rare opportunity whilst it is still knocking. I never spend money I don't have, which brings me to my next point. Please note the possessive pronouns used in the above sentence. It is MY money, thus has nothing to do with anybody else and warrants no judgement.
I like to think of my shoe purchases as an investment. I wear shoes everyday, my feet never grow and I alternate shoes so often that a pair rarely gets worn out. Tell me how that isn't investing in my future wardrobe.
Please do not judge my shoe spending as unnecessary or useless. Perhaps those THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dollars you spent on a car were also unnecessary and useless, but you do not see me judging you do you? No. Perhaps instead of that car you could simply walk....oh but that would require shoes wouldn't it? I don't need a car to wear great shoes. See how that works?
I direct this blog at the men in my life who oppose my shoes spending. Ladies generally understand the fascination as they often share in it. It's fun to own pretty things. Men like bigger, more expensive gadgets, electronics and toys that they don't necessarily use on a daily basis, and become obsolete in a couple of years. Note: I still have and wear shoes that I bought 6-8 years ago and nobody says 'that's so passe' or 'wow that's outdated'.
So you tell me which is the better investment.
Bottom line is I spend my money the way I want and in turn you can spend yours on whatever you like. There should be no judgement either way. Even when you purchase shiny gold brogues/oxfords to wear to the office ;)
As yesterday was my birthday, I bought myself four pairs on new shoes (in total under 75$, so a STEAL of a deal) online, all of which arrived yesterday. Now it is that image I think, having four shoes boxes stacked by the front door that creates the illusion to non-shoe fanatics that the owner of these beauties must have a problem. I probably spend less on four pairs than one of these people spend on one due to my stellar online deal shopping, but does that factor in to their PROBLEM diagnosis, oh no. My 'lavish' shoe spending must be the result of a deep rooted psychological issue resulting in a need to spend. I must stop buying shoes immediately to prevent from starving (for lack of food money). Incorrect, on both counts.
My shoe fetish results from a happy and hard earned wage that allows for some discretionary spending. Will it be like this all my life? Of course not, which is why I must take advantage of this rare opportunity whilst it is still knocking. I never spend money I don't have, which brings me to my next point. Please note the possessive pronouns used in the above sentence. It is MY money, thus has nothing to do with anybody else and warrants no judgement.
I like to think of my shoe purchases as an investment. I wear shoes everyday, my feet never grow and I alternate shoes so often that a pair rarely gets worn out. Tell me how that isn't investing in my future wardrobe.
Please do not judge my shoe spending as unnecessary or useless. Perhaps those THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dollars you spent on a car were also unnecessary and useless, but you do not see me judging you do you? No. Perhaps instead of that car you could simply walk....oh but that would require shoes wouldn't it? I don't need a car to wear great shoes. See how that works?
I direct this blog at the men in my life who oppose my shoes spending. Ladies generally understand the fascination as they often share in it. It's fun to own pretty things. Men like bigger, more expensive gadgets, electronics and toys that they don't necessarily use on a daily basis, and become obsolete in a couple of years. Note: I still have and wear shoes that I bought 6-8 years ago and nobody says 'that's so passe' or 'wow that's outdated'.
So you tell me which is the better investment.
Bottom line is I spend my money the way I want and in turn you can spend yours on whatever you like. There should be no judgement either way. Even when you purchase shiny gold brogues/oxfords to wear to the office ;)
My money-my rules.......In great shoes.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happy birthday to me!
Yes, it is that special day of the year. The day we acknowledge the beginning of my life some 22 years ago. All the same, I am at work. My coworkers have been fantastic though as I have received many well wishes and a few cards as well. I also work with a very diverse group of people, in almost every way, so 22 doesn't seem so old when people here tell me they are double that age. Puts it into perspective really!
My apologies for not posting yesterday, I was sick. Really sick, not just hung-over from the long weekend, which was STELLAR by the way. Much needed time with my bestest of friends by the lake, in the hot tub and by the fire! with us all living and/or working apart from one another (though I will be the farthest after the move) it is great to spend quality relaxing time together. Reminds me how PRICELESS my friends truly are. I adore them.
Though my first sick day - a widely discussed event in general terms - was far from enjoyable. I came in to work as usual not feeling my best, but deteriorated tot he point of uselessness in under an hour. So I called it a day at 9:35. Then went to the doctor, etc., etc. and got hooked up with all the strongest meds on the market. Thank goodness, as today I am feeling better.
Went to Starbucks this morning, as they are supposed to give you a free drink on your birthday if you have a registered Starbucks card, which I do, only to discover that the company has to send you a coupon in the mail in order to claim this free drink. Needless to say I have seen no such coupon and was sorely disappointed, having to pay full price from my tall skinny vanilla latte. BOO YOU STARBUCKS. NOT COOL. I bet they won't even send this alleged coupon at all.
On a more positive note, as it is my birthday I have decided to post not the shoes that I'm wearing, but rather the shoes I WISH I was wearing. Birthdays are for wishes, after all.
Needless to say I could feature many many pairs on my 'wish list' but will keep it short for the purpose of this post.
The #1 on my wish list is not even from this season, but still a pair I lust after endlessly. The Christian Louboutin Ariella studded boot. I am positive it would be the perfect addition to my wardrobe. I would find many occasion to break those babies out. I feel they speak volumes.

#2 Melissa & Vivienne Westwood - Lady dragon heart heels. in any colour but the yellow. Fun, Flirty and reportedly super comfortable. Certainly wish-worthy.
Lastly #3 Steve Madden CARYSSAG multi coloured glitter platforms. DIVINE. So much fun! they just demand attention.

So that's my fantasy WISH list. It's wonderful that we have days devoted to things we want - not need. Where it is all about Moi. If only everyday could be so wonderful.
Keep wishing...In great shoes.
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